Archive for March, 2019

Case Closed… Or Not

Posted in Politics on March 30th, 2019
Case Closed... Or Not. It Depends
Case Closed… Or Not – It Depends

Well, that’s our domestic enemies, the Democrats and their constituencies, for you. Then, they the party of hate and what they hate is everything that President Trump stands as a symbol of: the American People, American Culture, and American Greatness.

Thanks Jussie!

Posted in Society on March 29th, 2019
Thanks Jussie! You've Proved Us All Right
Thanks Jussie! You’ve Proved Us All Right

Jussie Smollett not being prosecuted for various and sundry heinous crimes by the state of Illinois puts paid to the lie of “White Privilege.” So we Americans should thank the boi for that at least.

Spring Sweaters

Posted in Society on March 28th, 2019

Spring Sweaters

I know to some this is counterintuitive – especially Southerners 😉 – but, Spring or not, sweaters are still quite advised and are still delightfully appropriate clothing choices.

Don’t Rush To Judgment

Posted in Politics, Society on March 28th, 2019
Don't Rush To Judgment! We Need Celebrity Analyses First
Don’t Rush To Judgment! We Need Celebrity Analyses First

That about sums up the Left’s pop-culture position upon the Mueller Report. They’re waiting until their Hierophants, e.g., Alysso Milano and/or Robert De Niro, can analyze it, interpret its “real” meanings, and tell them what to think and who to blame.

Celebrity Opinions?

Of course, the American people have a quite different opinion of the nature and value of both Hollywood celebrities and their opinion. If possible, they and their positions are worth even less than their co-conspirators in the Lamestream Media.


Posted in Humor on March 27th, 2019
It’s Supposedly Spring So… Dandelions!