Neil Gorsuch proved this week during his US Supreme Court confirmation hearings that he’s a fine, smart judge, a better than decent man, and a fine American patriot. None of that, however, matters in the least in these degenerate times.

Dems’ “Views” On Gorsuch Have Changed A Lot In 11 Years
Gorsuch emerged from more than 20 hours of grueling interrogation largely unscathed and barely ruffled, having politely but firmly schooled most Senate Democrats who invented excuses to paint him as some sort of villain out to destroy “marginalized” people.
Many would see this as an odd and completely hypocritical turnaround by Senate Democrats since, in 2007 not one of them complained about his appointment to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. In my opinion, however, this is less than perfectly true.

Dems Are Just Getting Back To Their Roots
The titular adults of Democrat party don’t really have views on Neil Gorsuch. They don’t even have that strong of views on his being President Trump’s current SCOTUS nominee. All the Dems can see is an appointee that they fully expect the Senate Republicans to support. Therefor, they automatically will throw tantrums and take any steps that they can to block Gorsuch’s nomination or, at the very least, attempt to make it look to their constituencies that they did everything and anything in their power to do so. In all truth, they’re just getting back to their roots and their original position on nominees. That’s why on Thursday, March 23, 2017 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that he would lead a filibuster against Gorsuch’s confirmation.
Again though, None of that matters in the least in these degenerate times. After eight years of Democrats blocking any and all of President Bush Jr.’s appointees, Senate Republican chose to return the favor – with interest – whenever Obama tried to appoint someone to office, judicial or otherwise. This, in turn, led to Harry Reid’s now infamous 2013 decision to enact the “Nuclear Option,” which Republicans have also been more than happy to return with interest.
So really, on the topic of Gorsuch’s nomination – which will happen – ignore all the ranting; ignore all claims of taking the high rode and the complaints about all the ranting; and ignore any possible benefit or detriment to we, the People. This is all and only about two groups of children with adult authority having a protracted slap fight.
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