Archive for March, 2017

New Identity Politics

Posted in Politics on March 25th, 2017

There’s always been issues with what the Liberals and Progressives call Intersectionality, especially as it impact Identity Politics. But, with the rise of the American people and the election of Donald Trump as POTUS, this has reached pathological proportions.

The New Identity Politics Requires Proper Flags
The New Identity Politics Requires Proper Flags

Now, much like the LGBTQ –or whatever the alphabet soup is supposed to be today – scene and the various street gangs, one has to properly flag, which can be a specific and advanced project, if one wishes to get past these Liberals’ and Progressives’ gatekeepers.

So yeah, some guy in a dress isn’t going to be allowed to identify as a womyn if (s)he’s wearing anything by Ivanka Trump.

Trump Isn’t The Problem

Posted in Announcements on March 24th, 2017

Trump Isn't The ProblemTrump Isn’t The Problem

Yeah, we’ve a serious problem in America. But President Trump is the problem. The problem is how a whole generation of “parents” largely failed to raise their children properly. Now America is paying the price for these Millennials and the children their breeding.

The Russian Did It

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor, Politics on March 24th, 2017

The Russians Did It
The Russian Did It

Yep! Even dogs are getting into the narrative that the Russians are to blame for anything and everything.

Fearing Greatness

Posted in Politics on March 23rd, 2017

Fear Greatness
Fearing Greatness

It’s really no surprise that Democrats and the Liberals, Progressives, and minorities that they enable and pander to fear greatness. Their entire sociopolitical platform, their very doctrine and dogma, can’t survive a great America. Such a thing, were it to come to pass, would uplift too many and make them irrelevant.

Bitter ClingersWe’ve Got To Shake Off The Bitter Clingers

So were going to have to spend a lot of time better spent elsewhere and a lot of effort better turned towards restoring America in shaking loose these bitter clingers who demand that America be less than great.

A Failure Of Care

Posted in Politics on March 21st, 2017

The ironically – or Orwellian – name Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obama is and was from its inception a failure- a fail of care and a failure on the part of Democrats to care about the consequences of their actions. Hellfire and their damnation! It was a failure on their part to even read the omnibus bill before forcing it into law and upon the American people.

No, It needs the scrapyard
It Just Needs A Few Minor Tune-Ups

This failure resulted in a new “healthcare system” that was broken, that needed more than minor fixes to work even so well as what America had before – despite all of Obama’s tap-dancing and the Congressional Democrats’ dissembling. ObamaCare needed to be sent to the proverbial scrapyard and, in theory, replaced with something that could actually work in America.

Over the course of the intervening seven painful years, it seemed that Congressional Republicans understood this.

Failure Of CareThere! Better Than New

Sadly for we, the People, seeming isn’t being. What the GOP seems to think are fixes for ObamaCare are, in my opinion, merely a hodgepodge of removals of various components and restrictions within the ACA with – once again – a failure to care about the consequences of their actions. No, instead of the promised “Repeal and Replace,” the American Health Care Act (AHCA) aka RyanCare is little more than a shade tree patch job of ObamaCare and a bad one at that.