Archive for December, 2014

Only In America #11

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on December 30th, 2014

America-laugh-cryAmerica is an unique nation, culture, and People. No other place, no other idea, and no other people are quite the same as we are. American Exceptionalism is, in many and varied ways, a simple fact of life and objective reality.

America is a special nation.
Americans are special people.

America is, indeed, special in many ways. Sadly, some of those ways are more of the nature of “short bus special.”

Only In America #11

Only in America, would a criminal, who caught a bullet and died for his crime, be suddenly canonized into a saint solely due to his race.

Yes, there are just some things that one can only find in America. This is something that the residents of other nations should, perhaps, be proud of and grateful for. 🙄

Not Seeking Closure

Posted in Society on December 30th, 2014

Romantic, Sexy Ginger
Not Seeking Closure

Despite what psychologists, psychiatrists, professional agony aunts, and all those who parrot their advice say, sometimes not seeking closure is the finest option. 😉

Insourcing Tech Support

Posted in Society on December 29th, 2014

Globalism and the resultant outsourcing of many jobs is one of the banes of the First World.

Dream Tech Support
Insourcing Tech Support

Fortunately, there’s a growing trend in insourcing growing in the West, especially America. Yeah, especially in the field of Technical Support, I can see where insourcing is likely to gain a lot of traction…especially with the ubiquity of webcams…

Shades Of Qo’noS

Posted in Politics, Society on December 28th, 2014

Sometimes life imitates art; sometimes art shapes life. That latter seems more true of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, which less predicted than caused what was the future for that franchise.

The NYPD’s Discommendation Of de Blasio
(Click to Enlarge)

In this particular case, the shades of the Klingon homeworld could be seen as hundreds of police officers turned their backs on a screen showing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaking at the funeral of one of the two NYPD officers assassinated last week by a Black insurrectionist. It looked a lot like the Klingon ceremony of Discommendation, in which the individual is ceremonially shunned, stripped of honor, and severely reduced in social status due to his crimes.

Some – those who either are part of the Black Problem or side with those that are, and/or those with deep-seated psychological scarring and resultant pathologies – may well disagree with me, but I find this public shaming and shunning of de Blasio by the NYPD to be a very fitting start to his punishment for his dishonor and disloyalty.

Eerie Christmas, Everyone!

Posted in Humor on December 25th, 2014

Cthulhu Claus
Here’s Wishing You An Eerie Christmas

A Lovecraft Christmas

To the tune of “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” – With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore.

Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the hole
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Dhole
Aldebaren hung at the right place at nine
In the hopes that Great Cthulhu would come out this time

The Fungi from Yuggoth, all snug in their caves
Were plotting to turn all the people to slaves
The Deep Ones in Rlyeh, the Ghouls in their graves
Were dancing and singing and acting depraved

When what do my wondering eyes should appear
But a mouldering sleigh and eight corpselike reindeer
With a horrible driver so leprous and reeking
I knew right away that my fear was unspeaking

The reindeer were gross, as they flew up from hell
And It hoarsely whispered and chanted a spell
Ia Shub Niggurath! Cthulhu ftagn!
Nyarlathotep! I summon you on!

As decomposed flesh before the charnel stench rise
And meet with the open air polluting the skies
Up to the housetop the horror it rose
And the gangrenous odors assailed my nose

And then in a slopping noise heard on the roof
The lumbering clomping of octopoid hoofs
As I drew in my head and was turning around
The horror lurched into my room with a bound

Its eyes how they pulsate
So bulbous and gory
This blasphemous creature
So noxious and hoary

I was frozen by fear, my feet woudn’t run
I threw up my cookies, this wasn’t much fun
It whispered my name and said “You come with I”
I tried to refuse and it said “Then you die.”

It came at my throat with its grim claws extended
But a miracle saved its victim intended
I had three Elder Signs in a slot in the floor
It screamed with a fiendish sound and went out the door

It sprang to its sleigh, and its team gave a surge
And away they all flew to the sound of a dirge
I heard it exclaim as it flew out of sight
“You’re lucky this time, for the stars weren’t right.”

Paul M. Lemieux

Hehe…Who needs Krampus when you’ve got Cthulhu Claus to revive the Elder meaning of the Winter Solstice?