Archive for July, 2017

An Invidious Comparison

Posted in Humor, Politics on July 26th, 2017

An Invidious Comparison- Not even ISIS likes being compared to CNNISIS & CNN – An Invidious Comparison

Yes, being compared to CNN is such an invidious comparison that even the Muslim terrorists of ISIS are speaking out against it. Nor, I suppose, can one blame them for being outraged over such a thing. Being compared to CNN is, after all, a gross insult to anyone, even the vermin in ISIS.

Nyet, Yeshche Nichego

Posted in Humor, Politics on July 20th, 2017

Nyet, Yeshche NichegoNyet, Yeshche Nichego

Nyet, yeshche nichego (“No, still nothing”) is always the answer when the Democrats ask if there’s any credible evidence that anyone involved in any way with President Trump somehow colluded with the Russians during the 2016 elections. That, however, doesn’t and won’t stop them from continuing to invent excuses to keep hammering away with their foundationless narrative.

Bikini Interlude 21

Posted in Society on July 20th, 2017

Bikini Interlude – A More Traditional Edition

As is the case with almost all the Bikini Interlude posts, there’s really no real purpose to this post beyond providing myself and any who come here a brief interlude of beauty. In point of fact, the only differentiator between this Bikini Interlude and most of the others is that this one is actually focused  upon babes with more traditional bikini bodies.


Posted in Humor, Politics on July 17th, 2017

The MSMS Makes a Mockery of Themselves By Claiming President Trump Is A BuffoonBuffoonery

The Lamestream Enemedia, e.g., CNN, has made it abundantly clear that they have a very low opinion of” President Trump, the entirety of the Trump family, the Trump administration, and the American electorate – who elected Donald Trump to the Presidency. Of course, their opinions and how they choose to present them say far more about the Lamestream Enemedia than anyone else, especially President Trump.

Honestly, with the both insane and inane buffoonery coming out of the maws of the trolls at CNN and the NYT, it’s like watching the drunk and drugged out end days of a Juggalo Gathering … but with even uglier women in worse makeup.

The 24/7 News Cycle

Posted in Humor, Politics on July 16th, 2017

News Cycle
The 24/7 News Cycle

Yep! That just about perfectly sums up the subpar behavior and intellectual development of the Lamestream Enemedia and those sorts who get their fiction fix from it. 🙄