Archive for August, 2016


Posted in Humor, Society on August 28th, 2016

So today, being the Sunday closest to closest to Women’s Equality Day, Aug 26, is Go Topless Day. Today, women will be encouraged to go topless in public and, in many cities – I Love NYC – there will be parades and such.

In other words, once again the Feminists refuse to acknowledge, much less check, their White Privilege and engage in mass public displays that showcase their racial and cultural insensitivities – and lack of historical knowledge. Once again the Feminists reinforce the fact that feminism is a White Thing and that the different views, histories, and experiences of Black women are meaningless to them and their narrative.

So what we need is a “counter movement” like #BlackNipplesMatter or maybe #FreeTheBlackNipple so that Black women can so visibly campaign for their own reasons for being topless in public.


Truly, things like #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple are the same as #AllLivesMatter. They further marginalize the plight of Black women by ignoring the different and great oppression they suffer from having to cover their breasts.

The Why Of #BlackNipplesMatter

Firstly: Feminism has from its sociopolitical inception been a White phenomenon and has always been firmly rooted in racism. This is largely due to the disparate goals and experiences of White and Black women but is never the less a historical fact. Hence, any fruit from the poisonous tree of Feminism is tainted by that history.

Secondly: The choice of the closest Sunday to Women’s Equality Day for Go Topless Day is stunningly racially insensitive. Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the privilege to vote. Yet that didn’t in practice allow Black women that privilege. It was the 1960s before Black woman were effectively enfranchised in any number. Nor is there any evidence that the Feminists of those days were in any number particularly bothered by this state of affairs.

Thirdly, Finally, and Most Importantly: Go Topless Day is solely based upon the idea of gender equality and that ignores the fact that Black women may not approach this topic on those very limited terms. For Black women, women whose pre-Diaspora cultures did not include the covering of women’s breasts as the norm, forcing them to do so is just another case of cultural genocide against Blacks. Ignoring that is just yet another example of Feminists silencing the voices and stories of Black women by saying that only White reasons matter.


jonolanAnd yes, in the sadly likely event that some of you don’t get it, this was sarcasm and dark humor. I was primarily lampooning and ridiculing the idiots of the #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple movements who are complaining about not being allowed to go topless when it is only illegal for them to do so in 3 states, and unlegislated either way in 13 others, and expressly legal in 34.

And yet, the thing is that none of the arguments I made in sarcasm against #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple or in favor of something like #BlackNipplesMatter or #FreeTheBlackNipple aren’t exactly the sort of arguments that “Afrocentric” SJWs wouldn’t feel perfectly justified to make in all sincerity.

And therein is the problem with being sarchotic. 😯

Trump’s Perfection

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor, Politics on August 27th, 2016

The Perfection of Trump Is Mathematic
Trump’s Perfection Is Mathematic

A lot of people don’t like Donald Trump. Both the petulant #NeverTrump partisans and Hillary’s staunchest constituents actively hate him with an unholy passion that ironically rises to the level of religious fervor. Both utterly fail to see and/or reject Mr. Trump’s perfections, though Hillary’s supporters must be excused for this as they’re deficient in math skills.

Yes, this is correct. Donald Trump’s perfection is the perfection of the fundamental language of the universe, math. As one can see, with the inclusion of his much lampooned – even by me – hairpiece, The Donald is the Fibonacci Spiral, which is an approximation of the Golden Spiral using the first eight numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence – 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.

As the very nature of growth in nature follows the Fibonacci Sequence, Mr. Trump could not inaccurately be described as possessing the perfection of growth in symbolic language.

As Presidents are symbols as much as or more than anything else, Trump’s the guy for me. I like my symbols to have meanings. 😉

Contrasting Power

Posted in Society on August 25th, 2016

Power in the absolute is power et al. Yet power in application or expression and/or context or limitation is not so. In the latter case there is a great void between contrasting forms of power.

Black Power vs White PowerBlack Power vs White Power

And in no context is the contrast between the effective sorts of power in application more stark and dichotomic than in it is between “racial” groups, specifically between Black Power and White Power. Indeed, Black Power and White Power are totally antithetical to each other.

Black Power, as society has sadly seen time and time again, is the power to destroy. White Power, as evidenced by the lasting greatness and puissance of America, is the power to build, preserve, and conserve.

27 Real Hard Questions

Posted in Society on August 23rd, 2016

Here’s 27 real hard questions by Blacks for Blacks – 27 questions that could, if honestly answered, be the basis of an extended “teachable moment” about the “Black Community” and the pathology of Blackness in America. In other words, here’s the basis for Holder’s “frank discussions about race.”

  1. Why is it so hard to be on time?
  2. If my dab is on fleek, am I lit?
  3. Why is it a problem if I like anime?
  4. Why do Black people look at your shoes before they greet you?
  5. Why are we more likely to engage in the new dance trend than we are to get involved in politics or opening a business?
  6. How did watermelon become our thing?
  7. Why do you get upset when I don’t like a Black celebrity?
  8. Why do we call each other the N-word but get vehemently upset when a White person uses the N-word?
  9. Why is my natural hair seen as a political statement?
  10. Why do we think people with light skin look better than people with dark skin?
  11. Do you really believe that Black is beautiful? Or is that something you say ’cause it sounds cool?
  12. Why do some Black people say that you’re pretty “for a dark-skinned girl”?
  13. Why do some Black men only date White women?
  14. Why is it okay for Black men to date White women but not okay for a Black woman to date outside her race?
  15. Why do you protest Black Lives Matter – and then tear each other down in the next breath?
  16. Why do we say that we don’t want to be seen as a monolith, but then try to take people’s Black Cards away for not liking something that’s “supposedly” Black?
  17. Why are we so quick to support a non-Black-owned business but then hesitate when it’s a Black-owned business?
  18. Is there a cut-off time for this whole homophobia thing in the Black community?
  19. Why is growing up without a father so common in our race?
  20. Why don’t we like to confront our mental health issues?
  21. Why is there a checklist for being Black?
  22. Why is being educated considered a “White” thing? Why can’t I love school and also be Black?
  23. Why do I have to be mixed in order to have long hair?
  24. Why do you think well-off Black people don’t know what it means to be Black?
  25. Why do some Black people say, “Oh, I have Native American in my family,” in order to feel interesting or more valuable than other Black people around them?
  26. Why can’t we just acknowledge that there are a bunch of different types of Black people walking around and they’re all amazing and unique and special in their own way?
  27. Why are we always looking for the discount?

OK, in my opinion only 25 of those 27 questions are worthy of an answer other than an eye roll or a slap to face because questions because questions 2 and 27 are beyond stupid. But that still leaves 25 real and probably hard questions for the “Black Community” to answer.

Not, of course, that we’d ever get an answer to these questions out of the Blacks. Hell! The Blacks at Buzzfeed who first asked these questions of other Blacks couldn’t even get much in the way of answers beyond, “Institutional RACISM!!!!” amid a long stream of deflections, tired and trite insults, and the occasional expected threat.

BLM And Baton Rouge

Posted in Politics, Society on August 19th, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter Baton Rouge Relief Effort = Absolutely Nothing
#BlackLivesMatter Baton Rouge Relief Effort

Sadly but not in any way unexpectedly, this isn’t just sarcasm. #BlackLivesMatter insurrectionists, supposedly so very concerned over- and angry about the loss of Black lives in America has sent exactly zero aid to the largely Black residents of Baton Rouge, LA. Rest assured though that if some Black thug gets shot by the police for looting they’ll be there in droves attacking the police and murdering Whites.

I suppose we should just be grateful that these vermin haven’t yet blocked the roadways into the disaster zone.