Posted in Humor, Society on August 28th, 2016So today, being the Sunday closest to closest to Women’s Equality Day, Aug 26, is Go Topless Day. Today, women will be encouraged to go topless in public and, in many cities – I Love NYC – there will be parades and such.
In other words, once again the Feminists refuse to acknowledge, much less check, their White Privilege and engage in mass public displays that showcase their racial and cultural insensitivities – and lack of historical knowledge. Once again the Feminists reinforce the fact that feminism is a White Thing and that the different views, histories, and experiences of Black women are meaningless to them and their narrative.
So what we need is a “counter movement” like #BlackNipplesMatter or maybe #FreeTheBlackNipple so that Black women can so visibly campaign for their own reasons for being topless in public.
Truly, things like #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple are the same as #AllLivesMatter. They further marginalize the plight of Black women by ignoring the different and great oppression they suffer from having to cover their breasts.
The Why Of #BlackNipplesMatter
Firstly: Feminism has from its sociopolitical inception been a White phenomenon and has always been firmly rooted in racism. This is largely due to the disparate goals and experiences of White and Black women but is never the less a historical fact. Hence, any fruit from the poisonous tree of Feminism is tainted by that history.
Secondly: The choice of the closest Sunday to Women’s Equality Day for Go Topless Day is stunningly racially insensitive. Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the privilege to vote. Yet that didn’t in practice allow Black women that privilege. It was the 1960s before Black woman were effectively enfranchised in any number. Nor is there any evidence that the Feminists of those days were in any number particularly bothered by this state of affairs.
Thirdly, Finally, and Most Importantly: Go Topless Day is solely based upon the idea of gender equality and that ignores the fact that Black women may not approach this topic on those very limited terms. For Black women, women whose pre-Diaspora cultures did not include the covering of women’s breasts as the norm, forcing them to do so is just another case of cultural genocide against Blacks. Ignoring that is just yet another example of Feminists silencing the voices and stories of Black women by saying that only White reasons matter.
And yes, in the sadly likely event that some of you don’t get it, this was sarcasm and dark humor. I was primarily lampooning and ridiculing the idiots of the #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple movements who are complaining about not being allowed to go topless when it is only illegal for them to do so in 3 states, and unlegislated either way in 13 others, and expressly legal in 34.
And yet, the thing is that none of the arguments I made in sarcasm against #GoTopless and #FreeTheNipple or in favor of something like #BlackNipplesMatter or #FreeTheBlackNipple aren’t exactly the sort of arguments that “Afrocentric” SJWs wouldn’t feel perfectly justified to make in all sincerity.
And therein is the problem with being sarchotic. 😯