Archive for July, 2018


Posted in Food & Drink, Humor on July 31st, 2018
Rebuked In The Name Of Jesus!

Yeah, Kalen Allen’s shtick includes more than a little racism – and cultural appropriation since he’s not Southern – but he’s still “on point” to many foodies and he’s funny while doing it. And, frankly, even though the Philadelphia-born-and-raised, Los Angeles-living food critic isn’t from The South, just about everything he’s saying could, would, and probably has come out of the mouths of Southerns – White, Black, and/or Whatever – when we’ve seen “gentrified” Southern food recipes.

What They Want And Why

Posted in Politics on July 22nd, 2018

What They Want
What They Want

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “The Girl from the Bronx,” – actually, the puta from Yorktown in ever-so-upscale Westchester County – seems to think that America wants Socialism, despite the state of Venezuela and what has happened to every country who’s ever implemented Socialism.

The thing is, while she’s wrong about America and Americans, she’s right about her constituency, the Left, and most of the Democrat party. They do want Socialism and they know exactly why they want it.

Socialism For Dummies
Why They Want It

Our domestic enemies, the so-called Liberals and Progressives and those minorities sharecroppers that they pander to- and enable do want socialism. They want it even knowing the harm it would wreak upon the nation. Indeed, in a way they want Socialism because of the harm that would wreak upon the nation. This is simply because our domestic enemies are far, far, far more emotionally invested in taking from the successful than becoming successful themselves. That’s why so much of their rhetoric is about “income inequality,” “wage gaps,” and so forth. It’s also why their dead set against anything that actually benefits “the poor” if it also benefits “the rich.”

The Fourth Ape

Posted in Humor, Society, Technology on July 22nd, 2018

The Fourth Ape
At Last, The Fourth Ape

Yes, we’ve found the fourth ape or monkey and he’s the culmination and concatenation of the first three. Somehow I don’t think this is what the futurists meant when they waxed poetic about Singularity.

Bikini Interlude 26

Posted in Society on July 20th, 2018

Bikini Interlude – Anywhere Edition

As is the case with almost all the Bikini Interlude posts, there’s really no real purpose to this post beyond providing myself and any who come here a brief interlude of beauty and to remind us all that bikinis are for anywhere and everywhere.

Gaaaaa! [Kavanaugh]!

Posted in Politics on July 16th, 2018

Feminazi Shrieking over Kavanaugh
Gaaaaa! [Kavanaugh]!

President Trump has selected outgoing Justice Kennedy’s replacement. Hence, Brett Kavanaugh will soon become the newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. This, of course has the Left up in arms and screaming and crying in the streets…again.

Frankly, what is most interesting about this is the same thing that caused me to put Kavanaugh’s name in crotchets (Square Braces) as if it were a variable of some sort. Our domestic enemies didn’t even wait to find out who our President was nominating before starting their tantrums. Indeed, some were quite sloppy about it. 😉