Archive for August, 2012

Don’t Be A Racist!

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on August 26th, 2012

Two journalists, Bob Parks and Dan Joseph, have teamed up to make a must-watch video that points out the rampant hypocrisy of Liberals’, Progressives, and their minority tenants’ absurd accusations of racism they are ranting, raving, and jabbering at Americans.

Bob Learns How Not To Be Racist

What America’s domestic enemies’ claims boil down to is, “Don’t be racist! Unconditionally support Obama against the American people.” This is because the truth is “racist” if it doesn’t favor the Liberals, Progressives, or their chattel – or so they want Americans to believe.

Then, the truth has always been a poor second to the message to those sorts so this is unsurprising.

I absolutely love Parks’ and Joseph’s treatment of this situation.  Rebutting these lies with humor and ridicule as opposed to the outraged denial that our enemies so want is probably the best way of handling the situation short of wholesale punitive violence.  The irony of using their “saint,” Saul Alinsky’s own rules against them is sweet as well.

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

— Saul Alinsky
Rules for Radicals, Rule #5

I have to admit though that the way the Liberals, Progressives, and the “Black Community” tend to react does pose some risk to the American people, so this tactic is not without risk. Yet, we are all soldiers in the war for our nation’s future and our children’s legacy and soldiers must often put themselves in harms way for the good of the country.


In this war for America’s future I do not believe in a proportional response to attacks from America’s domestic enemies. There are not enough Liberals, Progressives, or their minority tenants to provide enough lives to pay for the tears of one single American child. What is without worth can never pay for what is beyond price.

Form And Function

Posted in Humor on August 26th, 2012

Shark Brain & Woman's Reproductive System
Shark’s Brain Compared To Woman’s Reproductive System

Does function follow form or does form follow function? Either way, much is explained at long last. 😆

Sound Familiar?

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on August 25th, 2012

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves. It is characterized by a two-leveled personality organization. The grandiose self exists on the superficial and manifest level, and the real self which is frustrated, emotionally deprived, and full of impotent rage exists on the deeper level.

Someone suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be expected to so many, if not all, of the 10 following symptoms:

  1. Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
  2. Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
  3. Has excessive feelings of self-importance
  4. Exaggerates achievements and talents while belittling those of others
  5. Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
  6. Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
  7. Needs constant attention and admiration
  8. Disregards the feelings of others, and has little ability to feel empathy
  9. Has obsessive self-interest
  10. Pursues mainly selfish goals

In the of sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, their grandiose self dominates their inner world and is the primary shaper of the clinical picture. From the clinical point of view, narcissistic way of life is characterized by stereotyped cycles: periods of successful narcissistic activity, or narcissistic well-compensation, alternating with periods in which the narcissistic person fails to maintain their experience of grandiosity, i.e., narcissistic failure or decompensation.

Narcissistic Decompensation is the removal of the ego defenses propping up and sustaining the sufferer’s inflated self-esteem that was unable to “compensate” for a real or percieved injury of some kind. More simply put, decompensation occurs when the narcissist’s grandiosity is not validated by reality; their self image is impossible to sustain causing their real self to supplant their grandiose self. This normally results in the sufferer spirally downward into pessimism, frustration, and bitterness expressed as either withdrawal and passivity or some form of aggression, either at others or their selves.

Does any of this sound familiar?

President Obama - Narcissism and Self Adoration are his watchwords
Narcissistic Failure Anyone?

If you’re tuned into the American political landscape and have a reasonably unclouded mind, I’m guessing that it does…

Feckless and Factless

Posted in 2012 Election on August 25th, 2012

Obama The Liar-in-ChiefObama, best and most kindly described as feckless and factless, is really working hard on his shucking and jiving. The boy’s gone from carefully “nuanced” misinformation to outright lies in his bid to keep his job and to keep his wife in the style she believes that she deserves.

There’s no real surprise at all in his lying; that’s the only real talent or skill this pathetic, narcissistic, snake oil huckster has. What is surprising is the rapidity and severity of his decompensation and reversion to his roots and his handlers allowing it to be publicly displayed.

The boy, his handlers, and his proxies are actually claiming that the Obama Regime has created more private sector job than either President Bush Jr. or President Reagan. And they actually seem to think that Americans will buy this steaming, reeking load of bullshit!

Well, I think that worker probably has a good understanding of what’s happened over the past four years in terms of the president coming in and seeing 800,000 jobs lost on the day that the president was being sworn in, and seeing the president moving pretty quickly to stem the losses, to turn the economy around. And over the past, you know, 27 months we’ve created 4.5 million private-sector jobs. That’s more jobs than in the Bush recovery (or) in the Reagan recovery.

Stephanie Cutter
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” (August 22, 2012)

Of course MSNBC and the rest of lamestream media just let this baldfaced lie slide, as they were expected to do, so there’s some basis for Obama belief that his lies, if big enough and repeated often enough, will be believed by enough people to make a difference.

Read the rest of this entry »

Politics Of Division

Posted in 2012 Election on August 24th, 2012

Obama, his handlers and proxies, and the Democrat party in general want Americans to believe that they’re inclusive and not centered upon the politics of division as the means of keeping power and their jobs. This is, of course, a lie and particularly stupid and poor executed one at that.

This is because you can’t lie effectively with only one side of your respective faces.

It’s just not possible to successfully claim inclusivity when you’re constantly attempting to “other” various groups of Americans, who together make up the majority and backbone of American culture, in order to pander to various exilic and inimical elements of the voting population.

While for decades the Democrats have based their platform on class warfare, and racial, gender, and sexual politics – all the while claiming to be inclusive – the situation has, with the advent of Obama, rapidly degenerated into a dangerous farce – not surprising since “dangerous farce” is an apt, if terse, description of the Campaigner-in-Chief.

Frankly, the entirety of Obama’s and the Democrats political platform is hate speech and is designed to influence certain historically Democratic voting blocs to engage in violence against Americans.