Leftist Violence In Iowa
GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan gave his first 2012 campaign speech at the Iowa State Fair on Monday, August 13, 2012, addressing several thousand appreciative Americans…and several Liberals who turned violent.
It’s sad that the fair’s longstanding tradition of “the soapbox” was marred by Leftist violence but not shocking in the slightest.
Despite the Lamestream Media’s incessant lies about Americans being “extremists” and violent, it has always to date been the Liberals and Progressives who’ve chosen lawlessness to reach their ends.
According to reports from the scene, several protesters tried to force their way onto the stage from which Rep. Ryan was speaking. They struggled with police and had to be physically removed from the stage. Other reports indicated that one female Ryan supporter was punched in the face by a protester, and State Senator Joni Ernst, R-Red Oak, was pushed to the ground.
Other reports from local sources indicate that the Liberal thugs not only assaulted Iowa State Senator Joni Ernst, they also assaulted her her husband and 12-year-old daughter.
Rep. Ryan, exhibiting his trademark aplomb, good character, and high-mindedness, was not silenced by the attacks, nor did he allow these thugs to visibly anger him.
It’s funny because Iowans and Wisconsinites, we like to be respectful of one another and peaceful with one another and listen to each other. These ladies must not be from Iowa.
— Paul Ryan
Much to Iowa’s shame, Rep. Ryan was wrong about these vermin. All of the violent protesters were reported to be from the Action Fund of the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, a Left-wing activist organization who regularly employs operatives to violently disrupt political events in the hopes of silencing their American enemies.
Paul Ryan seems to be a good man and a good Christian, preferring to listen to his better angels and to turn the other cheek when attacked by our shared enemies. I, however, follow a different and less forgiving path as do many others in our country. To that end, below are the contact details for these filth’s headwaters in case anyone wants to email, call, or mail them something to show America’s intolerance for their agenda and methods.
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
2001 Forest Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50311
T: (515) 282-0484
E: iowacci@iowacci.orgTheir core personnel can be found here in case any American wants to take the time to find them and show them the error of their ways in a more personal fashion. 😉
What each of us choose to do to these vermin, if anything, is a matter of personal choice. Be aware though that Leftist violence will only escalate in the coming weeks and month if no strong action is taken to quell them and to apply a chilling effect on their willingness to act.
They certainly need to be taught that reciprocity is a two-way street.
Tags: 2012 Elections | America | Civil War | Extremism | Extremists | Iowa | Leftists | Liberals | Paul Ryan | Politics | Progressives | Retribution | Thugs | Vermin | Violence
August 14th, 2012 at 4:04 pm
Good post. I went to the organization’s website and poked around. I thought it comical that they have posted openings for 2 Community Organizer jobs. One Latino Community Organizer and one I guess just regular Community Organizer . The jobs pay $ 26,000 with benefits.
I know an experienced ex-Community Organizer who hopefully will need a job early next year.
Note to self: Send E-Mail to BHO on great employment opportunities in Iowa.
August 14th, 2012 at 4:13 pm
I don’t know, Alan. If they want a proven track record and references, the boy might not get even that job, Black or not.
August 15th, 2012 at 8:28 am
Beggars can’t be choosers. What did they expect to get for $26,000? If they combined the two jobs and doubled the salary, I bet they could get Jon Corzine. He didn’t run Jersey any worse than Obama ran America, and $ 1.6 Billion in losses at MF Global is loose change compared to running up $ 5 Trillion.
August 15th, 2012 at 8:44 am
True, Alan. Yet many companies in their position would still require a resume that Obama or Corzine couldn’t provide. This is especially true in the employment climate that Obama has built over the last 3+ years. 😉
August 16th, 2012 at 4:50 pm
Did you see that the latest alleged shooter is actually a left winger? Floyd Corkins allegedly shot a security guard in the arm at the Family Research Council in Washington DC.
I wonder what the gun banning liberals think of this. I thought the hate mongers were all on the right.
August 16th, 2012 at 7:45 pm
Corkins is not so much Leftist as a Queer or, at least, pro-Queer or virulently anti-Christian, which amount to much the same thing in all practical ways.
This means that the queer groups will not be held accountable for the agents’ actions and, eventually, the blame will be placed upon the victim and victim’s employer instead.