Archive for November, 2013

ObamaCare Train Wreck

Posted in Humor, Politics on November 29th, 2013

ObamaCare is the law of the land despite the opposition of 100% of the GOP and the majority of the population of America. That train has left the station as it were.

ObamaCare Train Wreck
ObamaCare Is Coming Your Way!

Of course much of that train broke down as it left that station and the ongoing failures and delays put the lie to the comparisons, some apt and some fanciful, between Obama and Hitler. Obama can’t get that train to run on time. πŸ˜‰

But Obama was installed in office on the belief that he was a “game changer,” a messiah who would break all the old paradigms, prove the tried and true axioms wrong, and usher in a new age. So far, with ObamaCare the boy has proved the adage, “Better late than never” to not be universally true, so his followers weren’t entirely wrong.

Tatooinian Thanksgiving

Posted in Humor, Society on November 29th, 2013

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

Turkey The Hutt
A Tatooinian Thanksgiving

Turkeys were not so easily turned into the main course of Thanksgiving dinner – not by a long shot. πŸ˜‰

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted in Society on November 28th, 2013

Have a happy Thanksgiving. While you’re in your comfortable home, or in someone else’s, enjoying your feast give a thought towards all those in uniform who won’t be home for the holiday and for their families who will have an empty place at the table.

Soldiers at Thanksgiving dinner
So That We Can Have A Happy Thanksgiving

Those men and women and their sense of duty and willingness to sacrifice are what allows the rest of us to have families, homes, food, and holidays to celebrate. These are all privileges that they earned for the rest of us. Some small, quiet bit of gratitude for that during Thanksgiving is more than in order.

I might also suggest, depending upon your ancestral culture and religious sensibilities, that you set an extra place at the table for shades of those soldiers who will never come home for any holiday ever again.

Quch Tlho’taHghach!

Posted in Humor, Society on November 27th, 2013

Klingon Turkeys
Quch Tlho’taHghach!

Quch Tlho’taHghach. Sop QaQ! In other words and in English, Happy Thanksgiving. Eat Well!

She Finally Read It

Posted in Humor, Politics on November 27th, 2013

With the utter and growing disaster that ObamaCare has been proven to be, many Democrats are now scrambling to reposition themselves on the issue, preferable by denying and distancing themselves from their previous positions in favor of the federal government’s quasi-takeover of America’s healthcare industry.

Pelosi Then & NowPelosi Finally Read It

San Francisco’s aging and politically battered fag hag, Nancy Pelosi seems to have finally had someone read her the text of ObamaCare and now knows what’s in it. She doesn’t seem any happier about it and the damage its already causing than Americans are. πŸ˜‰