Archive for October, 2012

Halloween Horror

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Movies, Politics, Society on October 31st, 2012

Life supposedly mimics art and this can cause us to experience nightmares. What should have been just titillating Halloween horror can become a stark, terrifying reality.

Right now the Makers, the tax-paying, productive citizens of America are experiencing just such a horror. A plague of parasite-driven zombies are coming for them.

Parasitic - If you're productive, you are what they eat
Makers Beware! You Are What They Eat

Fortunately, I suppose, this parasite version of a zombie apocalypse isn’t one of the grass-roots varieties. There is a nest leader, a King of the Zombie as it were.

Obama The Zombie King
The Lord Of The Infected

Kill the King and the hive mind loses direction. At that point, the drones are close to harmless and can be obliterated piecemeal. Better even, the method for killing zombies has been long-established and, if one or more brave souls take proper action, the parasitic plague of zombies can be expunged.

Obama seen through a sniper's scope.
Head, Not Heart! Your Dope Is Wrong!

You’ve got to get it right though if you want to end the apocalypse.  Headshots are the solution for zombies and politicians, not center of mass.  They’ll just get up again otherwise.

Or…We could just vote Obama and as many Leftists out of office on November 6th, 2012. It’s a rather anticlimactic ending for the Obama zombie apocalypse but, I suppose, life doesn’t have to mirror art perfectly in every way. 😆

Obamaween Costumes

Posted in Humor, Politics on October 31st, 2012

Tonight is the night of Obama’s favorite holiday. The boy just loves getting dressed up and taking his children trick or treating. He does get a little petulant, though, about having to explain what their costumes are.

They’re Whatever I Say They Are, Racist!

I suppose one can’t blame him though. He spent a lot of time, if not so much skill, in dressing them up as something they aren’t and it’s just wrong of people not to accept that.

Summing Up The Problem

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on October 31st, 2012

Summing up the problem in America is actually quite simple. Just read the opening paragraph from this New Times article:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — President Obama and Mitt Romney enter the closing week of the campaign in an exceedingly narrow race, according to the latest poll by The New York Times and CBS News, with more voters now viewing Mr. Romney as a stronger leader on the economy and Mr. Obama as a better guardian of the middle class.

The rest of the article is meritless. What is important is that it’s first paragraph distills one of America’s greatest problems down to a concise nugget. People can believe that Romney is the best choice as POTUS for our economy and still believe that reelecting Obama would be a better choice for the middle class.

The inherent schism and conflict in that thought process can only be explained in a couple of ways:

  • The middle class is utterly divorced from the economy at large and is nothing but an artificial construct maintained through government intervention or;
  • The economy is quintessentially combative in nature, with the middle class being pitted against the others in a war for limited and non-renewable resources

As neither of these conditions are true, the belief by some large percentage of the residents of America that one or the other of them is serious problem. It’s the sort of problem that is going to keep us repeating the same bad economic policies and class warfare that we’ve had to endure for the last four years.

Terminating Obama’s employment, while right and necessary for our country’s future, won’t guarantee even a short-term palliative treatment for the problem either. This is a fundamental problem that transcend party lines and socioeconomic strata.

The election of Romney, while a hoped for event, is quite likely to trigger a backlash against Obama’s redistributive policies that is as equally based on these misconceptions of the middle class. That’s not going to solve anything in the long run.

Summing up the problem is easy, though neither as easy nor as obvious as it should be, fixing it is going to bloody difficult.

Obama Endorsements

Posted in 2012 Election on October 30th, 2012

Obama - StalinPolitical candidates garner endorsements from other politicians, organizations, and people of note through their actions and rhetoric. By and large, if people or groups like what the politician has done and said, they’ll give him or her their endorsement.

Alright – sometimes it’s quid pro quo, a straight-up financial transaction like Solyndra and the labor unions.

Of course, not all such endorsements are to a politician’s liking…

One has to assume that, with the 2012 elections just a few days away, both Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev endorsing Obama because they feel that he’d be better for Russia than Romney is one of those cases.

Then again, such an endorsement by unfriendly foreign powers, especially one’s like Russia, might sit very well with many of Obama constituents and cultists. Hence, assuming that Obama has largely given up on trying to woo the undecided voters, he might like these endorsement as a means of raising his base’s enthusiasm.

Stand Down

Posted in Politics on October 30th, 2012

A few media types seem to be chafing under the standing orders not to question Obama upon anything, most especially not the worthless vermin’s murderous mishandling of the Benghazi massacre.

Engage in Libya
“Stand Down!” Seems To Be The Order Of The Day

Halloween is a poor time for them to start whining though. They stitched their monster together and breathed life into its political aspirations. They shouldn’t be surprised that their attempt to play God turned out as badly as Marry Shelly’s Dr. Frankenstein’s. Nor should they be surprised that their malformed chimaera turned upon them in such a manner.

Really! The lamestream media should have known better. Dr. Frankenstein made a mockery of Man and they made a mockery of a President. They had to know that the results would parallel each other.