Archive for December, 2018

7th Day Of Christmas

Posted in Society on December 31st, 2018

12 Days Of Christmas – The 7th Day
(Click to Enlarge)

As this is the 7th Day of the 12 days of Christmas, here’s another beautiful, barely wrapped present for you all to enjoy.

Women’s March Cancelled

Posted in Politics, Society on December 31st, 2018
Womens March Cancelled For Being Too White - They failed to meet local racial quotas
Eureka, CA’s Womens March Cancelled For Being Too White

The upcoming Women’s March in Eureka, CA has been been cancelled by its organizers because it was Too White. After meeting with various SJW cells, it’s organizers chose to cancel the event because it participants did meet the non-White racial quotas needed to “properly” represent the demographics of Humboldt County.

Humboldt County organizers and supporters of the annual Women’s March have decided to not hold a rally in Eureka on January 19th. This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march.

The local organizers are continuing to meet and discuss how to broaden representation in the organizing committee to create an event that represents and supports peoples who live here in Humboldt. Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community. Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.

Allison Edrington

Now me? I’m forced to wonder if those “many conversations” with “social-change” groups was more akin to dealing with threats from those groups, be it counter-protests or otherwise. After all, this would have been the #PussyHats’ 3rd year of their march in Eureka. So it’s not like there’s a real problem internally to this womyns’ group.

Also, I’m really not sure what they think that can do to “darken” their march. It’s small, normally having only between 5000 – 8000 participants and Humbolt County is, like most of America, predominantly White. Indeed, at 82.7% White, it’s Whiter than the national average of 72.4%.

Humboldt County, CA Demographics

Race Population # Population %
White 110,418 82.70%
Hispanic 12,771 9.60%
Native American 7,718 5.80%
Mixed 6,317 4.70%
Other(???) 3,959 3.00%
Asian 3,131 2.30%
Black 1,590 1.20%
Pacific Islander 452 0.30%

Frankly, it just sounds to me as if these hand-wringing and angsty Feminists are just suffering from an “Identity Crisis.” 😆 Then, “Identity” is core these days to ideologies that lead people into groups like the Women’s March, even though it has almost nothing to do with their supposed mission.

But please! Who are these people who identify as “Other?” Are they Martians? Romulans? Squidoids From the 3rd moon of Gliese 581g?

6th Day Of Christmas

Posted in Society on December 30th, 2018

12 Days Of Christmas – The 6th Day
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, this is the 6th Day of the 12 days of Christmas. Hence, as part of the extended celebrations from now until Epiphany, here’s another beautiful, barely wrapped present for you all to enjoy.

Dems’ Spending Priorities

Posted in 2018 Elections, Politics on December 30th, 2018
Dem's Spending Priorities - Any amount for brown foreigners, not one cent to protect White Americans.
Dems’ Spending Priorities

This aptly sums up the Democrats’ spending priorities. They’re happy to send $10 billion in foreign aid to Central America but refuse to even consider half that amount for a wall at America’s southern border… Mostly because our President wants one and promised to build one.

Then, this is a large part of why the Democrats should be – forcibly, if needs be and it will be needed – removed from office. Their TURDS has reached a point where they are a clear and present danger to others, especially the American people.

I swear, they hate President Trump and the American people, who voted for him and support his efforts to make America great again, so much that they’ve become some twisted funhouse of mirror of Robert Goodloe Harper, essentially saying, “Billions in tribute, but not one cent for defense!” solely because the POTUS is Donald Trump.

5th Day Of Christmas

Posted in Society on December 29th, 2018

12 Days Of Christmas – The 5th Day
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, this is the 5th Day of the 12 days of Christmas. So, as part of the celebrations from now until Epiphany, here’s another beautiful, barely wrapped present for you all to enjoy.