It Has A Familiar Look
A photo by George Roelofson of WTHN showing a long line of Connecticut residents waiting to register their guns and ammunition to avoid the state from declaring their legally purchased property illegal contraband has gone viral and is rightly sending chills down the backs of some gun owners.
It Has A Familiar Look
The unhappy shades of Weimar Germany seems to be haunting Connecticut, warning any and all who can remember that sad period in history of just what such registrations can lead to. Given America’s current economic straits, which also bear some resemblance to the Weimar Republic, and the current Regime’s vilification of certain propertied classes and groups, such warnings may well be such as to be heeded by the wise.
History has already given us a stark lesson in how one sort of government mandated queue can easily lead another, worse sort. First it’s the registration and restriction of citizens’ firearms; later it’s possibly the registration of “undesirable” citizens.
The Consequence Of Unchecked Authority
Even if one chooses to deny that “it could happen in America,” it’s very hard to deny that a disarmed and cowed citizenry consolidates power in the form of force in the hands of the State and its enforcers. We certainly don’t need to run afoul of Godwin to warn of where that can lead. US and world history as well as both domestic and international news and currents events should be enough to make it clear that the police, when left unchecked, are as dangerous to society as the criminals they are meant to deal with.
So yes! There’s plenty of reason for Roelofson’s photo to both “go viral” and to strike a chord of fear and worry in the hearts and minds of freedom-loving Americans.
Tags: 2nd Amendment | America | Connecticut | Firearms | Freedom | Germany | Gun Control | Gun Rights | History | Law | Law Enforcement | Nazism | Police | The Constitution | Tyranny | Weimar Germany | Weimar Republic