It Has A Familiar Look

A photo by George Roelofson of WTHN showing a long line of Connecticut residents waiting to register their guns and ammunition to avoid the state from declaring their legally purchased property illegal contraband has gone viral and is rightly sending chills down the backs of some gun owners.

CT Gun & Ammo Registration Line
It Has A Familiar Look

The unhappy shades of Weimar Germany seems to be haunting Connecticut, warning any and all who can remember that sad period in history of just what such registrations can lead to. Given America’s current economic straits, which also bear some resemblance to the Weimar Republic, and the current Regime’s vilification of certain propertied classes and groups, such warnings may well be such as to be heeded by the wise.

Yep, We’ve Seen Queues Like That Before

History has already given us a stark lesson in how one sort of government mandated queue can easily lead another, worse sort. First it’s the registration and restriction of citizens’ firearms; later it’s possibly the registration of “undesirable” citizens.

Police Beating
The Consequence Of Unchecked Authority

Even if one chooses to deny that “it could happen in America,” it’s very hard to deny that a disarmed and cowed citizenry consolidates power in the form of force in the hands of the State and its enforcers. We certainly don’t need to run afoul of Godwin to warn of where that can lead. US and world history as well as both domestic and international news and currents events should be enough to make it clear that the police, when left unchecked, are as dangerous to society as the criminals they are meant to deal with.

So yes! There’s plenty of reason for Roelofson’s photo to both “go viral” and to strike a chord of fear and worry in the hearts and minds of freedom-loving Americans.

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Still The Same Shit

Antisemitism doesn’t really change. It’s still the same shit, just rebranded with different faces and slightly different rhetoric and excuses. The hate and the end game of those practicing it don’t change.

Antisemitism doesn't change anything except its uniforms and slogans
1933 or 2013 – Still The Same Shit

80 years of time passing doesn’t matter at all. Whether it was the National Socialist Party then or the Democratic Socialist Party now, it’s all the same.

The one and only saving grace of this is the solution to them today is also the same as the solution to them back then. Overwhelming force and total war will break them and then we use trials and either lifelong imprisonment or execution to mop up the remains of the problem.

Maybe this time, if Americans can do what needs to be done to completion, we can avoid the issue of our grandchildren having to fight this atrocity yet another time.

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Choose: Fly or Wear

If you’re an American, you still get to choose: fly or wear your colors. Americans can still at this time in history choose to be free and to maintain and defend their liberty or they can choose to abrogate their responsibilities and hope that others will continue to grant them their freedom and their lives.

Armed vs. Disarmed
Populations – Armed vs. Disarmed

That is what I’ve had a problem with about Patrick Henry’s famed March 23, 1775 speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses in which he said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” If you feel that someone must give you liberty, you will never truly have it and, without that liberty, they may give you and yours death at their leisure.

And no, this is not some far-fetched ranting. History has proven time and time again that liberty can only be maintained through force or the threat of force and that, once it is lost, tyranny ending in murder and genocide is often the result.

Ask survivors of any of the various groups that Nazi Germany enslaved and then sought to eradicate, such as the Jews who made up approximately 50% of the 12 million victims of the Holocaust, what happens to a disarmed population when their overlords decide they’re no longer welcome or of value.

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George Soros’ Baby Pic

George Soros' Baby Pic
George Soros’ Baby Pic

Poor little György had a face only a mother could love – at least until, at thirteen, the little collaborator turned her over to the Nazis. 😉

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Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0

US-Dem-Nazi-SwastikaSenators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bob Casey (D-PA) don’t like when the wealthy flee the United States in order to shield their wealth from government confiscation. So they’re planning on introducing their “quaintly” named Ex-PATRIOT Act to ensure that such individuals must leave a large portion of their wealth behind when they flee.

I guess that, in the minds of the Democrats, the wealthy are the new Jews. They must be because Mankind has seen this before. It was the Reichsfluchtsteuer, the Reich flight tax, that the Nazis imposed on Jews trying to flee Germany in the 1930s. It was set at 25% of assets but, not to be outdone, Schumer and Casey set Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0 at 30%.

Social Democrat, National Socialist, or Democratic Socialist, it’s all the same. All movements and parties of this sort need scapegoats and take the same actions against them.

Funny, I thought that when Fascism came to America it was supposed to do so wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Cross and/or, possibly whistling the “Star Spangled Banner.” I guess I, and a number of others, were wrong. Fascism is going to come to America exactly as it did to Weimar Germany in the 1930s.

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