Voting With Their Feet

Makers Are Voting With Their Feet
Makers Are Voting With Their Feet

Bad policies matter, something that Democrats, the primary source of policies which are untenably bad for those who actively contribute to and grow the economy, don’t seem to be able to learn this. Or, since those who can be described as the Makers aren’t normally their constituencies, they don’t care. That’s why a lot of these Makers are voting with their feet.

Now, nationally it’s still a small thing, but one that has increased dramatically. Only about 2.5% of the current US population has emigrated. But that’s a little over double what it was 20 years ago. The numbers of wealth generators, i.e., actual taxpayers, who have internally migrated is far more stunning, and that’s what is actually important.

Which States Are Winning And Loosing
(Click Either Image Below To Enlarge)



As you can see, people with wealth are leaving Blue States in very expensive droves. Well, expensive to the Leftist governments of those Democrat safezones. Loosing over $55 billion in residents’ Annual Gross Income is no small or easily coped with thing for state governments. And the numbers shown are just personal monies. It doesn’t include all the businesses moving out of Democrat-controlled zone.

And, while this is going to have very large impact on politics, the economic impact and the follow-on effects thereof are going to be more important as we move into the not too distant future. It is not unwarranted to posit that many of the Left-wing areas will go the way of Detroit, which is still on track for effective abandonment, not being able to sustain its infrastructure without the tax monies of those who fled mismanagement and a government antagonistic towards those who generate actual wealth.

Yeah, millions of Americans are voting with their feet. And, their voting against Democrats’ bad ideas and punitive policies.

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No, He Will Bite

No, He Will Bite And The Dems Know It
No, He Will Bite And The Dems Know It

Despite the GOP’s scaremongering – it is election season, after all – the provisions with the Dems’ Orwellianly named Inflation Reduction Act to grant the IRS nearly $80 billion in new funding in order to, among other things, hire 87,000 new employees, won’t dramatically effect anyone in the next few years. Many of these “new hires” will simply be replacements for the current staff, approximately half of whom are at or approaching retirement age.

But, there’s no more truth or accuracy in the Dems’ claims that the middle-class and small businesses won’t experience greater scrutiny and/or audits. When the stated goal of increasing the IRS’ budget is to increase collections by $204 billion, you can be sure that the IRS is going to target anyone and everyone that they can. You can also be sure that the “Billionaires” and “Megacorporations,” most or all of whom have more and better tax attorneys than the IRS ever will, won’t be the IRS’ primary targets or the major sources of that $204 billion in extra tax collections.

Understand that approximately 50% of the largest corporations in America are already audited each year. Admittedly though, this is down from 100% of them during the Obama Regime. And yet, the Dems want to increase tax collection by $204 billion.

The largest corporations in the United States with over $20 billion of assets have had their rate of audits go from nearly 100% to 50%. Among wealthy individuals who had a positive income of a million dollars or more, the audit rate fell from 8.4% in 2010 to 2.4% in 2019.

Janet Holtzblatt
Senior Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center

But, simply put and much to the chagrin of Dems and their IRS, 38% of those audits fail to find any way to take more of these people’s and corporations’ money than they had agreed to pay.

No; their dog isn’t going to bite the “rich.” He will bite other people instead.

So, that fairly massive increase in tax collections is going to have to come from somewhere and somebody else. And it’s not going to be just the 1% either, since returning to Obama era audit rates for all individuals making over $400,000 would generate only 28%, or $9.9 billion of that expected $204 billion. And, even if the IRS increased audit rates 30x for taxpayers making over $400,000 and to a 100% audit rate upon taxpayers with incomes over $10 million, this would only raise to approximately $28 billion of it.

No, the IRS has a long and ongoing to this very day history of targeting the poor’s – those with $25K or less in income – tax returns for audits at a rate of 5x that of all other groups combined. I would expect that this rate would normalize somewhat… because the rates of audits will dramatically increase for those making between $26K – $200k per year and for most small-to-mid sized businesses, bringing them closer to what the poor suffer from.

It’s simple math and pragmatism. The IRS wants or needs to show increased collection and the poor and the middle-class through the 2%’ers are the ones without the resources to combat the IRS. And, there’s 100s of millions more of us. Of course we’re the ones who will be targeted by the IRS the most overall.

So yeah, the Democrats’ junkyard dog, the IRS won’t bite many now. But, it will most likely do so in 2026 and 2027 if it isn’t put down before then.

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Not Just A Thief

Not Just A Thief
Not Just A Thief, But A Liar As Well

Honestly, this is one of the truest statements and memes ever made. It is also one that every single one of Americans’ domestic and racial enemies will deride. Any time anything in the government tries to tell an American that they’re taxing that the government can spend their money better and/or more efficiently than that American can is not just a their, but a liar as well.

But there’s two things to remember about this:

The first is that the government almost never tries to efficient in their spending. Their goal is to continue to need tax monies and to have work to do so as to keep their jobs. Any sort of efficient use of Americans’ tax money is literally contraindicated but it would result in projects being finished, goals being achieved, and, hence, the government agencies or departments within those agencies being reduced or eliminated.

The second is that our domestic enemies are very much not interested in efficiency. They need ongoing, unresolved issues to feed their need for “progress.” They also aren’t really interested in positives outcomes for their projects and “protected” trait-bearers. They are far, far, far more focused on tearing Americans down – reducing our privilege – than raising their people up.

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Speed Chart

Speed Chart
Speed Chart

The most needed speed chart anyone who actually earns money and/or creates wealth will ever see, especially while we’re so self-destructive and stupid as to allow Democrats any say in how our country runs and funds that running. Nothing is faster than they are in taking our money.

And yes, they can even break lightspeed and the barriers of time to take our money. They regularly, when they cannot manage to strip us of our made wealth, simply take it from our children and our children’s children.

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Build Back Better Explained

Biden's Build Back Better Explained
Biden’s Build Back Better Explained

This perfectly explains Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, his and the Dems’ multi-trillion dollar boondoggle. It is, as it must be due to the nature of our federated political system, is doomed to be nothing but a hodge-podge of poorly – if at all – though patches to a system that the Dems’ have decided is broken. It’s just, at best, a bit of rhetoric to rationalize the theft of $3.5 trillion or more from the makers in order to fail to usefully give it to the eaters and takers within our borders.

But then, one does have to wonder if there ever was a point to Build Back Better beyond doing what the Dems have always stated their primary focus in politics was: stripping wealth from successful private citizens and enterprises in order to use it for their own agendas.

Honestly, if Biden and Dems actually wanted to help out the “lower and middle classes” they could just change the tax code so that nobody making less than $44,000 per year paid federal income tax. That would be a direct and easy benefit to the bottom %50 of taxpayers in America and would only cost the federal government approximately 3% of its total Personal Income Tax dollars. A few small and relatively painless tweaks to other parts of the tax code and enforcement policies could even make it cost-neutral.

But Build Back Better is meant to be Build On The Backs Of The Makers, if one can reasonably believe that anything at all will be built in the first place.

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