How They Report Of Us

How They Report Of Us
How They Report Of Us

That is an anvilicious but accurate description of how the Democrats’ media outlets report upon anything that an American says or does. They will always twist things to make it out that Americans are both extremists, drastically and dangerously wrong, and evil.

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Media Fact-Checkers

Media Fact-Checkers
Media Fact-Checkers

This is what passes for the news media today in America. How their fact-checkers handle public testimony is an example of why they are not trusted by almost any Americans and not even by that many Democrats and likely Democrats. Of course, those same Democrats and likely Democrats don’t really care. While they don’t trust the Lamestream Media and its fact-checkers, they find their mendacity useful.

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We May Never Know…

We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants
We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants

Yes, this is from Babylon Bee, a purely sarcastic, dark humor site with normally little intersectionality with real-world facts in evidence. But, the best sarcasm is holding up a mirror to reality and the Bee was perhaps more truthful than planned this time.

If one bothers to listen to the various “reporters” from the Left’s Lamestream Media and far too many pundits and talking heads in the Clerisyand one ex-POTUS – we can’t know or understand what Hamas and the Palestinians they fully represent really want. We need to be told that it’s beyond us and a far too complex issue for our opinions and common sense – or what Hamas and their people outright proclaim – to be listened to or taken into account.

The truth is simple: The Palestinians et al want Hamas to exterminate or drive off, preferably the former, ever single Jew from the Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea and the Jews of Israel neither want to be murdered or be driven from their Homeland.

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Biden's Twisted Wall Building

Biden's Twisted Wall Building
Biden’s Twisted Wall Building

The contortions that Biden’s handlers and nursemaid have the old child buggerer their put in the White House going through to excuse his additions to our nation’s defenses along our southern border are right down their in the lands of logical and verbal yoga. If it wasn’t so funny, it’d be horrific to watch and/or listen to or read.

The DNC’s & Media’s Wall Building is More Straightforward

The DNC and the Democrats’ media outlets, which compromise the vast majority of the MSM, have been far more organized and straightforward in their wall building. They’ve gone to extreme lengths and showed great cohesion of purpose in surrounding Biden with a wall to protect him from any and all allegations and his own senile ramblings, miscues, and outright bad acts.

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Lights, Camera…

Lights, Camera...
Lights, Camera… Bullshit

This is a summation of the beginning of every single television “news” show. Lights, Camera, Bullshit. And that’s the reason for only approximately 58% of adults inside America’s borders saying they have at least some trust in the information that comes from mainstream media. It’s also why over 60% of that 58% of people are Democrats, who eagerly gobble up the particular flavor of bullshit their media spews.

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