Happy the man who can endure the highest and the lowest fortune. He, who has endured such vicissitudes with equanimity, has deprived misfortune of its power.
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
jonolan on Yeah, I Was Right: “Thanks. Got to admit though, I’m not that happy to be right this time. While I loath Democrats et al,…” Jul 25, 09:36
Tyler, the Portly Politico on Bikini Interlude 92: “I find that kind of effortless (and somewhat modest) Beauty far more enticing and attractive than the girls with the…” Jul 23, 09:36
Biden and Co., if one can judge by their federal lawsuit against the multi-state convenience store chain, Sheetz, is declaring by fiat that you must hire ghetto thugs. They’re even attempting, again via extra-judicial fiat, to declare not hiring ghetto thugs to be a federal crime. They’re attacking Sheetz for not hiring people who failed a criminal background check… because the majority of criminals are Black – 7x more than Whites and 3x more than Hispanics. Hence, not hiring these criminals is racist according to Biden and Co..
Essentially, they’re doubling down on the Democrats’ longstanding, racist policy that criminality is a “protected class” since so many criminals are Black. They declaim that the Disparate Impact of taking action to protect people from proven threats is inherently racist due to the race of so many criminals.
So, you must specifically hire ghetto thugs or Biden and Co. will come for you with the full force of federal law and law enforcement.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at 7:44 am and is filed under Politics, Society.
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This doesn’t even have to airline specific. In any case where failure can cost lives, DEI will cause people to DIE. The moment any organizations decides that merit is racist or that Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion has any intrinsic value, that organization has decided that their actual mission is unimportant. If that mission could put people’s lives at risk due to poor performance, they’ve also decided that those people’s lives don’t hold as much value as DEI signalling.
This entry was posted on Monday, April 15th, 2024 at 10:01 am and is filed under Society.
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As anyone with a functioning and undamaged mind can see, requiring Voter ID is common in countries to the point of nearly being the accepted norm. Only in America are there large swaths of the population and one entire political party who declaim it as wrong and racist. Many nations, in fact, with lower tech levels to secure their elections even mark people’s bodies when they have voted in order to combat voter fraud.
It kind of makes you wonder – or, it should – why the Democrats are so virulently against it. It’s almost like they believe that they need a lack of election security in order to “win” elections.
A Maddening Caveat
The above being the truth and being said, any detractors from Voter ID laws do have valid grievances when any of the several States require valid photo ID in order to vote and then strongly restrict the forms of valid ID while, at the same time, closing facilities where one could get such an ID in areas under the enemy parties control. That’s wrong and stupidly so.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 at 6:00 am and is filed under 2024 Elections, Politics.
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Palestinian Flag & Klan Flag – They’re The Same Thing (Click to Enlarge)
This is the simple truth: waving the Palestinian/Hamas flag and proudly chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is qualitatively no different from flying the banner of the Klu Klux Klan and chanting, “From sea to shining sea, America will be free.” Both are overt calls of racial and religious based genocide. Yet, only the latter would spark outrage in the Democrats.
And don’t, not even for a minute, lie to yourself and believe that these terrorist supporters, the Democrats, don’t know this. They gathered together in public spaces and celebrated Hamas’ attack as soon as they heard about it. Then, they rioted – and continue to riot and attack Jews worldwide – as soon as Israel responded. They know what they’re chanting. They know what they want. They are just like the KKK… except that they have a slightly different list of undesirables and are more prone to violence than the Klan ever managed to be in its 158 years of existence in one form or another.
This entry was posted on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Politics, Society.
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Recently, Jason Aldean completely triggered the #Woke SJWs and the ever-eager-to-rant Black Community with the release of his video for his hit single, “Try That In A Small Town.” They went past their normal apoplexy into the realms of pure madness. They even somehow convinced the mendaciously named Country Music Television to pull it from their platform.
It’s racist, these vermin claim. It’s violent! It’s dangerous! But is it? Or is this our domestic enemies inadvertently showing their true colors – Hint: they’re not red, white, and blue – and acting the fool?
Well, let’s start with the video, since imagery is more prone to spark feelings in people of all sorts.
Racist? I can’t see how it is. While there’s plenty of extreme Black violence, there’s also violence being perpetrated by the mostly White Antifa vermin too. Indeed, there seemed to slightly more footage of Antifa than the Blacks. And, in all cases, that depicted violence is straight from news footage, i.e., wholly and solely true depictions of the mass violence that cities were regularly subjected to just recently. Doesn’t seem possible to call that racist since both Black and White vermin were showed behaving in a feral manner.
The same holds true for it being violent. The only violence in the video was news coverage of exactly the sort of mass violence that Mr. Aldean is telling people won’t be tolerated in small towns. There was not one bit of violence, or even potentially threatening behavior, from small town Americans shown.
And just forget about the courthouse in the video being a “lynching site.” That lynching was 96 years ago and largely unknown of by the people complaining until a some muckrakers decided to grift on it to get exposure. It’s not like anyone complained about it any of the many previous time Maury County Courthouse was used in movies, television shows, and whatnot.
Well, let’s look at the lyrics then. Maybe there’s some racism or dog whistles thereto in them.
Try That In A Small Town
Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk Carjack an old lady at a red light Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face Stomp on the flag and light it up Yeah, ya think you’re tough
Well, try that in a small town See how far ya make it down the road Around here, we take care of our own You cross that line, it won’t take long For you to find out, I recommend you don’t Try that in a small town
Got a gun that my granddad gave me They say one day they’re gonna round up Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck
Try that in a small town See how far ya make it down the road Around here, we take care of our own You cross that line, it won’t take long For you to find out, I recommend you don’t Try that in a small town
Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right If you’re looking for a fight Try that in a small town Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town See how far ya make it down the road Around here, we take care of our own You cross that line, it won’t take long For you to find out, I recommend you don’t Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town Ooh-ooh Try that in a small town
OK. Maybe some of that could be considered racist… if one totally accepts that crime, specifically the “knockout game,” car jacking, and robbing liquor stores are all fundamentally Black things. Or it could be that being disrespectful towards law enforcement and defacing the flag is to be consider by the Woke and their Negroes to be core components of Black Culture.
So again, nothing. Or, at least, nothing sane people could or would call racism or real violent rhetoric.
But What The Real Problems Are
The truth – or, at least, the facts in evidence – is that our domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, and the Black Community, are showcasing two interlocking – intersectional, if you will – of their problems and two of the problems that America needs to solve for.
Firstly, the Black Community is essentially a slave race – lazy, rebellious, masterless, and utterly unwanted, but still a slave race in their own minds. The Black Community is centered upon the concept of their slavery and a hatred of everything that their chosen masters say, do, and believe in. Primarily urban or not, they’re all Field Negroes in their hearts and minds and damn proud to be such. So, of course Aldean’s anthem is going to be seen as racist by them. They’re entire identity is based upon Whites, especially rural Whites, being their oppressors, always and forever.
Secondly, there’s the #Woke crowd, mostly White and mostly urbanites from the Coastal regions. They pander to- and enable the Black Community because they need to feel as if they’re different from- and “better” than both those generations before them and Americans, who rarely live in their coastal urban zones. They’re the Liberals and Progressives, and they loath and fear small town folk because small town folk don’t share their political ideology. So, the thought of those small town. American communities coming together in communal self-defense scares the life out of them. They believe, either consciously or tacitly, that this would be the first step towards – and possibly the last step before – these American communities standing up to- and coming for these urban Wokesters. And that’s they’re biggest fear.
This entry was posted on Sunday, July 23rd, 2023 at 9:29 am and is filed under Society.
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