Electing Muslims

Electing Muslims to office, even high political office, is a fast-growing phenomenon, mostly due to Muslims taking over whole areas and then always electing from within their own cult. This is, hence, a growing problem for America as a whole because Islam and America are not compatible to any noticeable extent.

One need only look to the 5th Chapter of the Qur’an, which deals with governance and Muslim interactions with people’s of other religions in a legal context.

And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafirun.

And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun.

And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed then such people are the Fasiqun.

Sura Al-Mā’idah, 5:44-45, 47

And therein is the problem with politicians such as Keith Ellison, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. They are Muslims and their religion demands that they govern strictly by the tenets of the Law as set for by Allah – i.e., Shar’ia, and only by Shar’ia. For them to try to govern otherwise would make them Kafirun ( Lesser Disbelievers), Zalimun (Lesser Wrong-doers), and Fasiqun (Lesser Disobedient). And we know how Muslims, devoutly follow their laws, deal with their disbelievers, wrong-doers, and those who are disobedient to Allah’s will.

Nor is it surprising or dissimilar that the Muslim elected to political office are some of the most rabid, virulent, and uncivilized of our President’s enemies. Again, the Qur’an in the same chapter, instructs them that they cannot accept any non-Muslim as Auliya (Leader or even friend). They can only, on their very souls, have non-Muslims as subjugated peoples or as their enemies, obviously choosing the latter in the case the President.

And see? That’s a problem. That poses a serious Question that the American people need to find, accept, and execute a Solution for.

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Muslims Burn Court

The only thing worse than Islam in general is the intersection of the Black savages of Sub-Saharan Africa and Islam. The particular breed of Muslim endemic to that horrific region brings even Islam to a new nadir of feralness and subhuman violence.

A few days ago in Nigeria these vermin burned down a court over its failure to indict a man who they felt had insulted their Pedophile Prophet, Muhammad. What makes it almost funny is that it was a Shari’a Court.

KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Hundreds of rioting Muslims set a Shariah court ablaze Friday in Nigeria’s northern Kano city, protesting its decision to free a cleric accused of insulting the prophet Mohammed.

An AP reporter watched protesters throw blazing, fuel-filled tires into the building then start marching through streets to demand punishment for Malam Abdul Nyass.

Police monitored the crowd, which turned peaceful after the fire.

 Nyass is accused of saying that the long-dead leader of the Tijanniyah sect is more powerful than the revered prophet Muhammad. Kano’s mainly Muslim population adheres in almost equal numbers to the Sunni and Tijanniyah sects of Islam.

Police arrested Nyass when Muslims threatened to kill him after the alleged insult. He appeared before the Shariah court but was apparently secretly freed and is in hiding.

This little Islamic “street party” came slightly after these offended Muslims burned down Nyass’ house.


Reforming Islam
(Click to Enlarge)

Is there really any doubt that humanity should focus and spend more energy upon reforming Islam or, failing the will to encourage the vermin to become good Muslims, at least sever as much of relations and communication with their areas as is possible?

As for the natives of Sub-Saharan Africa, my biggest quandary is, given their normal behavior, how the Hell did people ever domesticate them in the first place? Really! The way they act, I just can’t see how the slave trade ever worked in the first place. 😯

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Why Shari’a Is So Wrong

OK, as all of Mankind knows, there is no value to be found in the Muslims’ attempt at law, Shari’a. Let’s make it quite clear though as to why that is.

Why Shari'a Is So Wrong
Why Shari’a Is So Wrong

Bacon, beer, babes – the American trifecta of pleasure and greatness. 😛

As for any Muslims that may be offended by bacon, beer, and/or scantily-clad babes, let them keep silent about their feelings of being offended or be slaughtered like the vermin that they and their breed are.

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Goatse – Muslim Style

Just when you thought that the soldiers in the IDF had enough horrors to witness Hamas finds a new atrocity to inflict upon them…without even trying or being other than what they are…

Hamas Fighters Enjoying A Goat

What has been seen cannot be unseen so, perhaps, this is a new Muslim terror weapon.

Of course none of us, especially the IDF, should be surprised that the Muslims of Hamas engage in bestiality. They’re, after all, Islamists who adhere to and accept no other law than Shari’a – and Shari’a has no prohibition against bestiality. It’s an accepted if not truly condoned part of Muslim life.

You see the Qur’an says exactly nothing about – for or against – bestiality. Nor do those hadith which are considered á¹¢aḥīḥ or Ḥasan, i.e., authoritative sources akin to the Christians’ Gospels. In fact the only mention of bestiality within the sources for Shari’a are found within the Sunnah Abu-Dawud collection, which are considered Ḍaʻīf, i.e., weak and/or non-authoritative, somewhat akin to the Christians’ Apocrypha or Pseudepigrapha – and even those passages directly contradict each other.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him. I (Ikrimah) said: I asked him (Ibn Abbas): What offense can be attributed to the animal/ He replied: I think he (the Prophet) disapproved of its flesh being eaten when such a thing had been done to it.

— Abu Dawud 38:4449

There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.

— Abu Dawud 38:4450

It has to make you wonder if one of the Palestinians’ major reasons for demanding the blockade of Gaza be ended is so that they can get their magazine subscriptions like the Taliban do.

Playgoat Magazine
Playgoat Magazine – Porn For Muslims

A lot of Muslims are into kiddie porn as well. Again, this has to be expected since there’s no minimum age of consent under Shari’a.

NOTE: The ragheaded goatfuckers that Man has been foolish enough to continue to allow to live within the Civilized World really don’t like the video and have been trying to get YouTube to pull it and ban the people uploading it. Hence, if the video in this post becomes broken, contact me and I’ll replace it with a self-hosted version.

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White House Jihadi

Dalia Mogahed - The Filthy White House Jihadi CuntThe “people” that Obama chooses to surround himself with – or, more likely, those that his handlers choose for him – are often the sort that shock the consciences of the American people.

It’s certainly very shocking for a POTUS to have an Islamist jihadi in their inner circle of czars, appointees and advisers, yet Obama does so in the twisted form of Dalia Mogahed who he appointed to his White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

It’s pointlessly redundant to describe a Muslim as an anti-Semite, but Mogahed’s recent Twitter rant begs for that redundancy.

To those siding w/Assad: he cannot deliver stability, protection of minorities, or resistance to Israel. He is a killer w/o legitimacy.

Of course, declaring that Syria’s President, Bashar Hafez al-Assad lacked “legitimacy” because he didn’t support Muslim terrorism against Israel strongly enough isn’t that surprising coming from the vermin, Mogahed. This is the worthless sharmuta that two years ago said that Shari’a belonged in the UK and that is provided “gender justice.”

The majority of women around the world associate gender justice, or justice for women, with Shari’a compliance.

To be fair, she’s a hijabi, so it’s more than likely this mariidah kus thinks that wife-beating, raping prepubescent girls, and discriminating against women in matters of testimony, inheritance, marriage and divorce are :gender justice.”

Muslim “Gender Justice”

How Would Mogahed Face Such Justice?

The evidence is not particularly in doubt. The only real question before the American people is what “remedy” to apply to the White House Jihadi and whether or not those that apply it will let the law limit the nature of the solution they arrive at.

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