

One of the most telling and evocative pieces of art I’ve seen in a while. It is the visual encapsulation of Hamas today. You can literally tell if one of Gazans is lying because simply by it speaking. And, you can tell it’s going to lie again simply because it’s still breathing.

Sadly for humanity, Gazanoccio seems to be disturbingly effective in these degenerate times. Between the Hamas members in our nation’s universities, the Anti-Semites across Europe and all of Africa, and those various entities across the globe who are more than happy to use Israel as a proxy war against America, it paints a bleak future for the world.

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Of Queers & Palestine

Of Queers & Palestine
Of Queers & Palestine

Queers and “Palestine,” are a very odd and mentally diseased intersection, mostly because of the the dramatic difference between the queers inside America’s borders and the queers in either of the two areas of Israel that the Left calls Palestine.

My personal opinion is the we should round these “Queers for Palestine” up and forcibly ship them to either Gaza or the Palestinian Authority – the latter being logistically far easier right now – and let them meet whatever fates they deserve and whatever the Muslims there choose to enact upon them.

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70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

70 Years Of Gaza & Israel
70 Years Of Gaza & Israel

That sums up the 70’ish years of Gaza and Israel. The Israelites grew a lush garden and a high-tech powerhouse out of the desert, whereas the Gazans dug down deep into the some of darkest depths of human evil. Each moved forward according to their proclivities and faiths with equal fervor.

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Just Another College Student

Just Another College Student
Just Another College Student

Sadly, this isn’t newsworthy any longer. It’s just another college student on a campus – this particular one happens to at NYU in Manhattan – openly calling for the death of Jews. It’s not even particularly unusual or brazen for it be waving a sign indicating that Jews are trash to be disposed of. This is the current normal.

Understand that almost 2/3rds of college students believe that Hamas’ Oct 7th attack was genocidal, but just over half of them believe that it was justified. But, of course, just over half of college students are adamant that Israel is committing genocide and that there can be no justification for it.

This is what the colleges and universities, all committed to Leftist ideologies, have wrought. This is what they endorse. This is damn close to being what they demand, given how they attack any other position.

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A Note To Muslims

A Note To Muslims
A Note To Muslims

A simple note to Muslims and their collaborators within America. 😉 You’re actions will have painful consequences for yourselves and your kin.

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