Never Forgive

9/11 Attack - Never Forgive
Never Forgive

It is useless to say, “Never Forget.” Time passes, memories fade, and new generations are born without the true knowledge of what transpired. But, we who remember must never forgive while we still hold the memory of what the Muslims did on 9/11.

Never forgive; never show mercy; never fail to judge the actions of others in the light of what was done.

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Gazan Hospitals

Gazan Hospitals
Gazan Hospitals

And there’s the truth. Gazan hospitals have been completely unsanitary for decades; their lower – often underground – levels are infested with the Palestinians’ militant forces, Hamas. Also, currently most of them, and all the other “civilian” and “humanitarian” buildings have gun emplacements and/or sniper roosts on their roofs. Hence, Gazan hospitals and all other Gazan structures are valid targets in war.

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We May Never Know…

We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants
We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants

Yes, this is from Babylon Bee, a purely sarcastic, dark humor site with normally little intersectionality with real-world facts in evidence. But, the best sarcasm is holding up a mirror to reality and the Bee was perhaps more truthful than planned this time.

If one bothers to listen to the various “reporters” from the Left’s Lamestream Media and far too many pundits and talking heads in the Clerisyand one ex-POTUS – we can’t know or understand what Hamas and the Palestinians they fully represent really want. We need to be told that it’s beyond us and a far too complex issue for our opinions and common sense – or what Hamas and their people outright proclaim – to be listened to or taken into account.

The truth is simple: The Palestinians et al want Hamas to exterminate or drive off, preferably the former, ever single Jew from the Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea and the Jews of Israel neither want to be murdered or be driven from their Homeland.

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Assault Religion

Islam - The Assault ReligionIslam – The Assault Religion

Well, we’ve suffered through yet another Muslim terrorist attack here in NYC. And, yet again, it wasn’t because of assault weapons or assault vehicles. It was because of an assault religion, Islam.

Sadly, despite the various Liberal and Progressive claims to the contrary, Islam is either the root cause or a significant factor in all of these terrorist attacks. Indeed, the Civilized World would be wiser to call then Jihad Attacks as opposed to just terrorism. Terrorism, after all, simply defines methodology without addressing the real goals of the attack.

While the Usbek immigrant, Sayfullo Saipov could both easily and accurately be described as a disaffected loser, it was Islam that provided with with a “way out” of his situation. Islam’s specific treatment of Jihadis and Martyrdom makes this so and is the force that “triggers” Muslim losers to resort to terrorist attacks upon the peoples of the West.

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An Invidious Comparison

An Invidious Comparison- Not even ISIS likes being compared to CNNISIS & CNN – An Invidious Comparison

Yes, being compared to CNN is such an invidious comparison that even the Muslim terrorists of ISIS are speaking out against it. Nor, I suppose, can one blame them for being outraged over such a thing. Being compared to CNN is, after all, a gross insult to anyone, even the vermin in ISIS.

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