Never Forgive

9/11 Attack - Never Forgive
Never Forgive

It is useless to say, “Never Forget.” Time passes, memories fade, and new generations are born without the true knowledge of what transpired. But, we who remember must never forgive while we still hold the memory of what the Muslims did on 9/11.

Never forgive; never show mercy; never fail to judge the actions of others in the light of what was done.

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An Unholy War

Trans To Wage An Unholy War Upon Christians
An Unholy War Upon Christians

Given both what is happening and what has already happened at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, Christians really need to understand and internalize the fact that the trannies and enablers are waging an unholy war against Christians in America. And, as of March 27, 2023, it became a “hot war” with your children considered valid targets by your enemies.

And no! This isn’t meant as hyperbole or fear-mongering for the sake of gaining attention or feeding Christians’ fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). It’s a public service announcement and straight-up warning to Christians that they are being waged war upon by the LGBTQ+ community, the Lamestream Media, and the Democrat party in general.

Face it, when a deranged tranny brutal murders 3 Christian children and 3 Christian adults, and the first and primary narrative from the MSM is fears of what Christians might do in response – overshadowing even the normal cries for gun bans and confiscation of AR-15s – you are the enumerated enemy. When they won’t even label this atrocity as a Hate Crime, they’re declaring that any action is acceptable in their unholy war.

Who could have predicted that Moloch still wants children to be sacrificed or that Leviticus 18:21 (KJV) would be so pertinent in these latter times?

As I wrote before, they started this. And, when they faced simply disagreement, they willfully lied in detail in order to spread existential fear among their own, thereby guaranteeing that they’d radicalize some of their number. And now, having gotten the first act of terrorism that they wanted, they’re pushing hard to make Christians the villains instead of the victims.

Seems like casus belli to me. But what do I know? I’m not a Christian. 😉 All I do know is that you’re at war, whether you know or accept it or not, and you should consider how you’re going to prosecute it, since by it’s very nature, this war is under the law of herem (חרם).

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Their Dogma Lives Loudly

Their Dogma Lives Loudly In Them
Their Dogma Lives Loudly In Them

On the soon to-be-infuriating topic of the Democrats’ rancorous, vitriolic, unconstitutional, bigoted, and utterly unhinged response to President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court’s bench, it’s best to turn Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) projection back upon her and her ilk – “The dogma lives loudly within you. And that’s of concern.

And it’s true! The Democrats, despite any claims to be of any other faith, are parishioners of their own special cult. They’ve even spawned their own version of evangelical fundamentalists, who on par with or surpassing the protestants’ Dominionists in fervor and strict adherence to orthodoxy.

So, expect Barrett’s confirmation hearings to be horrifically vile and nasty. Understand that they will be filled with anti-Catholic bigotry in direct, boldfaced contravention of the Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3, which prohibits any religious test for holding any Office or public Trust. Expect the Dems to threaten to “Pack The Court” if they ever concurrently gain the Presidency and a Senate majority in the future and believe them.

Their Presidential candidate, “Creepy Uncle” Joe Biden has already proclaimed that they’re fighting for the soul of America. Believe them! Take them at their word, for this once they speak truly!

My Fellow Americans, understand, accept, and internalize the sad fact that this isn’t politics as usual. We are already in a civil war. We are already in a race war. We are already in a holy war!

Act accordingly in defense of your nation, your race, and your God(s)!

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Fighting For Our Soul

Fighting For Our Soul

Joe Biden and the Democrats have proclaimed that they’re fighting for the soul of America. In this, they are absolutely correct. Of course, much like the Father of Lies, Biden and his sort mean something different than what they’re saying.

But, again, he and they are right. The 2020 elections are one battle, albeit a critically important one, in Americans’ war for the soul of our nation. We should, in all ways, treat this as such.

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The Deplorable Dregs

The Deplorable Dregs According To The Left

The ever hate-filled Left, through their mouthpieces such as Obama, Hillary, and Biden, make a habit of calling the American people – most especially those who make up the nation’s heartlandbitter, irredeemable, deplorable dregs of society.

Now, we who are American men shouldn’t be too mindful or thin-skinned about what those sorts call us. However, those same sorts make no gendered distinction with their slurs and labels. Hence, the American distaff, those beautiful wives, sisters, and daughters of America are also being decried as bitter, irredeemable, deplorable dregs of society. And that, as American men, we need to care about a great deal if we are to still be worthy of being called either American or Men.

Gentlemen, let us understand – our domestic enemies first label these women as having a plethora of heinous traits, e.g., intolerance, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and generalized bigotry. Then, when such labels are firmly fixed in the minds of their rank and file, they proclaim that these women are irredeemable, that they’re deplorable, that they’re the dregs of society. Then, they just sit back and wait for “nature to take its course.

We’ve all heard this “othering” before, just with different labels. We’ve all read about what the purposes behind such dehumanization are.  We know what happens when certain women are deemed unworthy in all ways. Hellfire! Our nation went to war to end this sort of thing in the 1940’s!

Always remember that a man, most especially an American man, does not count the cost to himself when it comes to defending women. Nor, Gentlemen, does he balk at what he must wreak upon the enemy in defense of women, knowing that whatever he must do can be neither sin nor crime in the eyes of patriots and their God(s).

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