Their Dogma Lives Loudly

On the soon to-be-infuriating topic of the Democrats’ rancorous, vitriolic, unconstitutional, bigoted, and utterly unhinged response to President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court’s bench, it’s best to turn Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) projection back upon her and her ilk – “The dogma lives loudly within you. And that’s of concern.“
And it’s true! The Democrats, despite any claims to be of any other faith, are parishioners of their own special cult. They’ve even spawned their own version of evangelical fundamentalists, who on par with or surpassing the protestants’ Dominionists in fervor and strict adherence to orthodoxy.
So, expect Barrett’s confirmation hearings to be horrifically vile and nasty. Understand that they will be filled with anti-Catholic bigotry in direct, boldfaced contravention of the Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3, which prohibits any religious test for holding any Office or public Trust. Expect the Dems to threaten to “Pack The Court” if they ever concurrently gain the Presidency and a Senate majority in the future and believe them.
Their Presidential candidate, “Creepy Uncle” Joe Biden has already proclaimed that they’re fighting for the soul of America. Believe them! Take them at their word, for this once they speak truly!
My Fellow Americans, understand, accept, and internalize the sad fact that this isn’t politics as usual. We are already in a civil war. We are already in a race war. We are already in a holy war!
Act accordingly in defense of your nation, your race, and your God(s)!
Tags: America | Barrett | Bigotry | Civil War | Democrats | Holy War | Leftists | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Race War | Religion | Religious Persecution | SCOTUS | Trump | US Senate | US Supreme Court