Hellishly Funny

Hellishly Funny... To Me At Least
Hellishly Funny… To Me At Least

Sorry, not sorry! That’s hellishly funny to me. 😉

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Hellish Labor Shortages

Hellish Labor Shortages - It's Getting Bad
Hellish Labor Shortages – It’s Getting Bad

Apparently, the labor shortages and the Great Resignation are both worse and more widespread than first thought. Then again, it could just be the increase of deaths among Democrats and the sorts they pander to and enable are overwhelming Hell’s resources. 😉

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Fighting For Our Soul

Fighting For Our Soul

Joe Biden and the Democrats have proclaimed that they’re fighting for the soul of America. In this, they are absolutely correct. Of course, much like the Father of Lies, Biden and his sort mean something different than what they’re saying.

But, again, he and they are right. The 2020 elections are one battle, albeit a critically important one, in Americans’ war for the soul of our nation. We should, in all ways, treat this as such.

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True To Its Nature

Obama Demon
Obama – True To Its Nature

Again, we cannot blame Obama for being what it is. Like all things, the boy has little or no choice but to be as true to its nature as the Scorpion was. Hence, when the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants summoned some base demon from the bowels of Hell, that demon obeyed its nature and was true to it self.

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A One-Way Street

As all Americans know, what is cried out as tolerance by our domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, is a one-way street. Also, as all Americans know, these same domestic enemies cry “tolerance” when they mean “acceptance” and/or “approval” and they’re all for using the force of law to demand it.

Road To Hell
Tolerance: A One-Way Road To Hell

What is just not said either enough or with enough force is that the Liberals’ and Progressives’ one-way street of “Tolerance” is the road to Hell and there are, at this point, not many exits left before the Pit.

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