Trump Is 100% DEI

Trump Is 100% DEI
Trump Is 100% DEI – Deport Every Illegal

Democrats and other Left-Wing, domestic enemies of the American people can suck it. President Trump is 100% DIE. 😆 That’s right! President Trump is and always has been committed to making our nation a Safe Space for Americans. And this is why so many of the rank and file sheeple on the Left hate President Trump with a black and bleeding passion.

Always remember that the Democrats and Democrat-Adjacent Wokesters know the harm that the illegals bring to America. It’s not that they don’t understand; it’s that they actively desire this harm to be inflicted upon Americans… as long as it’s not to them or theirs or in their backyards. As far as our domestic enemies are concerned, those assaults, rapes, murders, and other and sundry evils aren’t crimes, they’re simply erosions of White Privilege.

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Climate Change’s Spokestroll

Climate Change's Spokestroll In A Nutshell
Climate Change’s Spokestroll In A Nutshell

Greta Thunberg, the severely mentally ill spokestroll for the world’s Global Warmists, is the perfect face for the hypocrisy and selective actions of the Warmists as a whole. Only certain countries are faced with their outrage and have to deal with Leftist politicians pandering to them. Other, somehow always non-White, countries can, do, and will act and “pollute” as the please with no reasonable fear of backlash.

Then, the entirety of the AGW alarmism and activism has almost always been more about wealth redistribution and equity than it’s been about Climate Change. And it’s been far more about padding the pockets of a small number of businessmen and politicians than that.

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Finding The Bright Side

Finding The Bright Side
Finding The Bright Side

Finding the bright side in things, especially horrible things, is important. So, I’m going to show compassion towards the Liberals, Progressives, and the other sorts who hate and did everything that they could, without limits, to remove President Trump from office and then did even more to keep him from returning to his rightful position at the helm of our nation.

So… sure, the economy started tanking the moment that Biden started putting forth his people’s economic initiatives. Sure, we’re edging closer and closer to World War 3. Sure, Biden and Co. have largely sold the nation out to China. And, sure, we’re on the verge of Civil War. But hey! Look on the bright side; no more mean tweets, right? That’s enough of a bright side, isn’t it?

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PETA-Approved Dairy

Starting A PETA-Approved Dairy
Starting A PETA-Approved Dairy

I’ve decided to start over in life, move back to the country, and start a sustainable, animal cruelty free, organic, PETA-approved dairy. Does anyone know how to get ESG funds to help with this?

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Biden's Holiday Wishes

Biden's Holiday Wishes
Biden’s Holiday Wishes

Tacky, Crass, and certainly cruel… but funny, albeit in a Twain-esque manner. And, such jokes are almost de rigueur, since Biden is best known for his cognitive decline. So, Best Holiday Wishes. 🙄

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