Muslims Burn Court
The only thing worse than Islam in general is the intersection of the Black savages of Sub-Saharan Africa and Islam. The particular breed of Muslim endemic to that horrific region brings even Islam to a new nadir of feralness and subhuman violence.
A few days ago in Nigeria these vermin burned down a court over its failure to indict a man who they felt had insulted their Pedophile Prophet, Muhammad. What makes it almost funny is that it was a Shari’a Court.
KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Hundreds of rioting Muslims set a Shariah court ablaze Friday in Nigeria’s northern Kano city, protesting its decision to free a cleric accused of insulting the prophet Mohammed.
An AP reporter watched protesters throw blazing, fuel-filled tires into the building then start marching through streets to demand punishment for Malam Abdul Nyass.
Police monitored the crowd, which turned peaceful after the fire.
Police arrested Nyass when Muslims threatened to kill him after the alleged insult. He appeared before the Shariah court but was apparently secretly freed and is in hiding.
This little Islamic “street party” came slightly after these offended Muslims burned down Nyass’ house.
(Click to Enlarge)
Is there really any doubt that humanity should focus and spend more energy upon reforming Islam or, failing the will to encourage the vermin to become good Muslims, at least sever as much of relations and communication with their areas as is possible?
As for the natives of Sub-Saharan Africa, my biggest quandary is, given their normal behavior, how the Hell did people ever domesticate them in the first place? Really! The way they act, I just can’t see how the slave trade ever worked in the first place. 😯
Tags: Africa | Blasphemy | Islam | Islamists | Jihad | Law | Muhammad | Muslims | Nigeria | Religion | Riots | Savages | Shari'a | Vermin