Democrats’ Desired Losses

Beautiful Israeli Women – The Democrats’ Desired Losses

Ah yes! six beautiful Israeli women enjoying life in Israel. Pretty much every right-thinking individual would want them protected from harm so that they could continue to do so. But then there are the Liberal and Progressive types – the ones in American who make up so much of the Democrats ground troops. To them, these Israeli women along with their sisters aren’t just acceptable losses; they’re desired losses.

Crazed Palestinian Rape Hordes

The Democrats and those sorts who are likely to vote for them want all those Israeli women to be taken by the crazed hordes of “Palestinians” and enslaved, raped, mutilated, and eventually murdered. This isn’t something that they merely accept as a necessary evil; it’s something they specifically desire, even if these oikophobic Leftists won’t openly admit it to the world or themselves.

And no! This is neither hysteria nor hyperbole on my part. I believe the plethora of simple and easily understood evidence leads to this horrid conclusion. One need only look at the combined result of their anti-Israel rhetoric and their support for- and either silence upon or apologetics for the various Muslims’ groups treatment of women to come to the rational conclusion that the Democrats actual desire this outcome.

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Abortion Is Murder

As Far As I’m Concerned Abortion Is Murder

That’s right. In my opinion the deliberate killing off of unborn-as-yet children is murder. It should, insofar as I’m concerned, be treated exactly as any other instance of such a crime – homicide, most often 1st Degree Homicide since it’s normally a premeditated act of killing on the parts of both the woman and the abortionist.

And therein is the rub as it were. Abortion is the commission of the crime of homicide and needs to be treated exactly the same in ways as any other instance of the crime.

Justifiable Homicide

If either the mother-to-be or the involved medical professional is of the strongly held and reasonable belief that bringing the child within her to term would be a clear and present threat to her life, then the abortion must be considered a case of justifiable homicide.

The Dead Can’t Be Killed

Rather obviously – but still a recurring point of contention apparently – if the unborn child is already dead, he or she can’t be killed and so, hence, he or she cannot be unlawfully killed, i.e., murdered. If any crime could be assessed in such circumstances it would rightly be assessed upon any who refused to remove the unborn child’s corpse from the woman’s body.

Reasonable Actions

Undertaking reasonable actions that in some statistically insignificant numbers of cases could lead to the death of a viable child in utero is not murder. Hence, the use of chemical contraceptives – including the correct use of Plan B – does not fall within the scope of homicide any more than anyone driving a car, which might result in an accident which might in turn result in the death of an unborn child does so.

Withdrawal of Life Support

While potentially problematical in detail and execution, it is my opinion that ending the life of an unborn child who will not survive in any real and functional manner past their birth is not murder. It is merely the withdrawal of life support, with the mother having given informed consent for such removal.

No Attainder!

And no; I make no exceptions in the cases of rape and/or incest. To kill the child of such unions is an attainder and quite specifically a particularly extreme form of “corruption of the blood,” wherein the child is punished for the crimes of the parent(s).


And there is my opinion, in some detail, on abortion and on abortion itself only. In this post I’m not venturing my opinions on ancillary issues and laws which surround it and which are often used as arguments in favor of killing off unborn children.

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The Deplorable Dregs

The Deplorable Dregs According To The Left

The ever hate-filled Left, through their mouthpieces such as Obama, Hillary, and Biden, make a habit of calling the American people – most especially those who make up the nation’s heartlandbitter, irredeemable, deplorable dregs of society.

Now, we who are American men shouldn’t be too mindful or thin-skinned about what those sorts call us. However, those same sorts make no gendered distinction with their slurs and labels. Hence, the American distaff, those beautiful wives, sisters, and daughters of America are also being decried as bitter, irredeemable, deplorable dregs of society. And that, as American men, we need to care about a great deal if we are to still be worthy of being called either American or Men.

Gentlemen, let us understand – our domestic enemies first label these women as having a plethora of heinous traits, e.g., intolerance, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and generalized bigotry. Then, when such labels are firmly fixed in the minds of their rank and file, they proclaim that these women are irredeemable, that they’re deplorable, that they’re the dregs of society. Then, they just sit back and wait for “nature to take its course.

We’ve all heard this “othering” before, just with different labels. We’ve all read about what the purposes behind such dehumanization are.  We know what happens when certain women are deemed unworthy in all ways. Hellfire! Our nation went to war to end this sort of thing in the 1940’s!

Always remember that a man, most especially an American man, does not count the cost to himself when it comes to defending women. Nor, Gentlemen, does he balk at what he must wreak upon the enemy in defense of women, knowing that whatever he must do can be neither sin nor crime in the eyes of patriots and their God(s).

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Of Sons & Daughters

Sons & Daughters
Of Sons & Daughters Who’ve Died

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Liberals’ On Full-Auto

Gun-Grabbers Set For Full-AutoLiberals’ On Full-Auto

Whenever there’s an “appropriately” high profile crime that involved the use of a firearm – this particular time being Devin Kelly’s massacre of 26 people in First Baptist Church in rural Sutherland Springs, Texas – Americans are immediately assaulted by the Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers. And yes, it’s a full-auto assault; a rapid fire attack of blamecasting, hoplophobia, and the vilest hatred towards the American people. Ironically, the shear volume of the gun-grabbers’ attempted verbal suppressive fire clearly indicates that they’ve gone beyond mere high-capacity magazines of vitriol and spite and have switch to belt-fed systems.

The only difference between the Sutherland Springs massacre and previous killings of note is that the Liberals and Progressives changed their strategies. They’re no longer committing targeted attacks against GOP lawmakers and the NRA as an organization. They’ve switched a strategic warfare model, targeting any and all NRA members and Republican voters.

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