COVID Zombies

The Persistence Of COVID Zombies

Even as the Lamestream Media finally tries to end the COVID-19 pandemic so as not to tarnish the Democrats’ regime, there are many on the left that are little more than zombies groaning for us to wear masks, wash our damn hands, and stay locked away in our homes. Insofar as they’re concerned, the coronavirus is forever and this is our new normal. Indeed, those sorts seem to like the pandemic and all the restrictions and resulting damages that have been wrought upon our nation and its economy.

Personally, I think that these Leftards’ attachment to COVID-19 and the various draconian measures taken in Democrat Controlled Zones is primarily based upon a synergy of four things: Martyr Complex, Virtue Signalling, Vilification, and, like so much else, TURDS.

Martyr Complex

The majority of the titularly White Leftists have serious martyr complexes, especially the overly-pampered-and-entitled-from-birth Millennials. Lacking any real threats and privation other than those they’ve brought upon themselves, they tend to actively seek out those things which are against their self-interest. Hence, their fondness for the destructive and draconian plague mitigation efforts fit right into this and feed their need to be harmed.

Virtue Signalling

As in most sociopolitical matters in 21st century America, the Liberal and Progressive sorts are very much into virtue signaling. Even the ones that don’t fully support and need to be martyred for The Cause – and that’s whatever the current cause of the moment is – are going to vocally, if not materially, support the anti-COVID measures and their perpetual or near-perpetual continuance. It’s just another way for them to Identify and Flag, both to signal their membership in- and allegiance to their in-group and to avoid persecution for heresy from the same.


And, of course, zombies need brains to eat, martyrs need oppressors, in-groups need out-groups, and the sorts who support the Dems in these times need people to hate, fear, revile, and castigate. They need “evil” to harm themselves fighting against. Hence, they attack any and all who won’t abide by their rulers’ mandates. Hence, they frame it as protecting others and as an act of caring and attack their opposition as callous monsters.


TURD (Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder) – Trite in these times but true, the real pandemic afflicting the Liberal and Progressive camps is TURDS. Their response to the coronavirus and the destruction of the economy and basic liberty that Democrat politicians used the disease to enact can be traced, at least partially, to their pathological hatred and fear of President Trump and every single American who voted for him. Our President downplayed COVID-19’s severity, knowing that panic would cause more harm than the virus; therefore, in the disease-rotted minds of the COVID zombies, it’s apocalyptic and no countermeasures – especially ones that are harmful to the nation’s and people’s futures – are too extreme.


So, be ready for this to be a “long haul.” The COVID zombies aren’t going to easily and complacently allow the “pandemic” to end any time soon. At best, they’ll seek an accommodation – a “new normal” where “public safety” wins out over liberty.

Hellfire, the only bright side is that these zombies absolutely won’t be shuffling down the street looking for a snack. 😆

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The Great Green Delusion

The Great Green Delusion – An Electric Fleet

It’s odd that both Elon Musk and Akio Toyoda have been the ones that spoke the truth about converting the world’s fleet of automobiles to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Yet, it’s unsurprising that, aside from a short “news” cycle of outrage and derision from the Green Left, what they said has been ignored by these same delusional climatards and their media outlets.

As there are none so blind as those who will not see, so too are there none so deaf as those who will not hear. And that sums up what passes for the mentality of these sorts. Their delusion is reinforced by the dogma and is not subject to interventions by facts that contradict their visions of the future they want to enact up the world.

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Participation Reward

Consider It A Participation Award
Consider It A Participation Award

Exactly! Any and all of those SJWs, Woke Whites, and other Millennial snowflakes who just happen to get hurt during one the Blacks’ “peaceful protests” should just consider it a participation award.

Think of it as your Woke Privilege and a virtue signal of your allyhood.

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Oh Boya, Goya

Oh Boya, Goya - Boycot? Buycot!
Oh Boya, Goya – Boycott? Buycott!

Recently, Goya Foods CEO Robert, Unanue lauded President Trump while at a gathering in the White House Rose Garden meant to celebrate as part of the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, an executive order from President Trump that was created to improve access to educational and economic opportunities for Hispanics inside America.

“We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” Unanue said during the Rose Garden speech.

“We have an incredible builder. And we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country — that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

Robert, Unanue

The Left and – of course – prominent Hispanics in Hollywood immediately took to social media to rant, rave, and called for their followers and fellow travelers to enact a punitive boycott of Goya brand products, using various #hashtags such as #Goyaway, #BoycottGoya, and #GoyaGottaGo.

But, like most of the Left’s boycotts, the one against Mr. Unanue and Goya immediately backfired as Americans instead enacted #BuycottGoya and Goya’s sales rose sharply.

Then, this is the normal way of things. The vast majority of the Left’s boycotts fail miserably, mostly due to Americans unwillingness to allow their hate, insanity, and rank anti-Americanism to win the day.

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Democrats’ Circus

Democrats' Circus
Democrats’ Circus

Honestly, Branco’s a little off on this one. The Democrats aren’t puppetmasters and the sorts that they pander to and enable – when they’re not slavishly kowtowing to them – are far closer to sideshow freaks than circus performers.

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