The Great Green Delusion
It’s odd that both Elon Musk and Akio Toyoda have been the ones that spoke the truth about converting the world’s fleet of automobiles to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Yet, it’s unsurprising that, aside from a short “news” cycle of outrage and derision from the Green Left, what they said has been ignored by these same delusional climatards and their media outlets.
As there are none so blind as those who will not see, so too are there none so deaf as those who will not hear. And that sums up what passes for the mentality of these sorts. Their delusion is reinforced by the dogma and is not subject to interventions by facts that contradict their visions of the future they want to enact up the world.
Tags: AGW | Akio Toyoda | Biden | Climatards | Climate Change | Delusions | Democrats | Electric Cars | Elon Musk | Global Warming | Green | Green New Deal | Insanity | Leftards | Leftists | Petroleum | Stupidity | The Environment