Dems’ House Of Straw Men

Dems' House Of Strawmen
Dems’ House Of Straw Men

That’s the horrific thing; there are certain elements that completely agree with the Dems’ various straw man arguments against building a border wall or any other form of border security.

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Always Check Your Six!

Always Check Your Six! There's Dems Within The Walls, Especially The Traitors Of The 9th Circuit Court
Always Check Your Six! There’s Dems Within The Walls

When it comes to defending one’s homeland, one should be able to concentrate outward upon the borders and the the threats massed past them. Sadly, however, in these degenerate times you have to always check your six because there’s traitors within the gates ready and willing to throw them wide, destroy you and your homeland’s defenses, and usher the enemy within.

Yes, in these days it’s not just necessary to man and watch the borders. It’s even more important to take action against the traitors, e.g., the judges of the 9th Circuit Court and their families, to ensure the security and integrity of our nation and our people.

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Say It Ain’t So

Say It Ain't So
Say It Ain’t So

Yes, all those “anti-immigration,” “anti-Brown-people” statements – along with many others over the years – were made by Democrats, not by any Republican, much less President Trump. But the Lamestream Enemedia, The Democrats, and their leftist followers will say it ain’t so or, at the very least, engage in tortured apologetics and diversions that amount to little more than “it’s different when a Democrat does it.” 😉

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Walls Need Gates!

Remember That Walls Need Gates, Mr. President

I’m an American and I’m staunchly in favor of controlling immigration and greatly increased border security. I can also see where a wall along the US’ southern border will help with that. At 1,954 miles in length, much of it through remote and harsh terrain, it can’t be successfully guarded without something to channel invaders and provide choke points.

Face it head on with clear eyes and a resolute demeanor; something has to be done about the approximately 500,000 illegal borders crossings from Mexico to America per year.

That being said, to paraphrase or riff upon Pres. Ronald Reagan, “Mr. Trump, build those gates.” Not all of the immigrants, illegal or not, are either bad or problematical. A plethora of these immigrants would be of great benefit America and Americans in so many beautiful ways.

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A Day Without…

A Day Without what exactly?My fellow Americans, in case you didn’t notice it, and you probably didn’t aside from word of it filling up your social media feeds, we recently had #ADayWithoutWomen. This protest reasonably closely followed the equally unremarkable and largely unremarked #ADayWithoutImmigrants. In both cases the response by America at large was a non-response. We, as a nation, weren’t really bothered and neither noticed nor cared.

Not that this should in any way be surprising. In all likelihood they got the idea from the Blacks, who periodically try to have A Day Without Black People – #hashtagged various things like #BoycottBlackFriday, #BlackFridayBlackout, and #NotOneDime – where they try and fail to make an impact by not buying anything from Whites on Black Friday.

Frankly, these attempts reach a pinnacle – or maybe nadir, depending on your outlook – irony that is rarely achieved. In trying to show their worth and power, all they’ve managed to do is show their irrelevance to the nation as a whole.

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