Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg

Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg
Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg

In some ways, I almost feel sorry for Mark Zukerberg – almost. I might even actually do so if he didn’t so richly deserve pretty much everyone’s despite, and if I were actually capable of extending that level of empathy to an enemy.

Zuckerberg is beset from both sides. Americans rightfully hate and loath him because he’s used Facebook to silence them and shape public opinion to further Democrat agendas. And, at the same time, Democrats and other enemies of the American People loath him because Facebook has been less than totally successful in their attempted censorship.

And it’s not just rank and file Americans and Leftists. House Democrats have demanded his testimony on not preventing Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory and the Dept. of Justice is trying to rescind parts of the law that allows Facebook – and other social media platforms – to pick and choose who and what topics they silence while maintaining their protection from lawsuits.

Yeah, seems that just about everybody is unfriending Mark Zuckerberg. Of course, it’s not like he probably cares. One, he’s already got more money than he could ever reasonably spend. And, Two, it’s not like “unfriending” meant that any significant number of us or the Left have or will stop using his platforms and, thereby, being part of his product portfolio and income stream.

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Facebook Fact-Checkers

Facebook Fact-Checkers
Facebook Fact-Checkers

ROFLMAO! Yep! That sums up Facebook Fact-Checkers pretty damn aptly. They’re little to nothing but a bunch of often corrupt and/or biased 3rd-Party “fact-checkers” combined with the Far-Left-Leaning in-house fact-checking team – both of which are periodically overruled by either the sales teams (due to the value of ads placed) or upper management (due to poltical pressure).

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Why You’re Silenced

Why You're Silenced
Why You’re Silenced

This is the absolute truth! The sorts running social media platforms, e.g., Facebook and Twitter, and those at Google, who are the gatekeepers of the internet, silence unwelcome and unwanted voices, i.e., any who aren’t “woke” enough, because those voices might be powerful.

They know, with the internet being what it is, that any voice could become powerful if left unchecked and uncensored. Therefor, they use whatever means at their disposal to silence those voices that reject the Left’s narrative.

But, if these sorts have decided to silence our words, then it just means that the time for words is over. That is not a bad thing for our People.

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Facebook 2020 Elections

Facebook 2020 Elections
Facebook 2020 Elections

Oh, the sorts running and working at Fascistbook will probably never quite come out and say it, but blocking, jailing, and deplatforming as many American voices as possible is definitely part of their agenda in the lead up to the 2020 elections.

Their latest target has been Black Conservative, Candace Owens. They actually went so far as to authorize special scrutiny of Ms. Owens’ public persona, her ideology, actions, and major news involving her. The policy review team was also instructed to list any and all “Affiliated Hate Entities” of Owens – whatever those are.

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Facebook Bans Conspiracy

Facebook Bans Conspiracy
Facebook Bans Conspiracy

To most Americans it’s obvious that Facebook’s bans are the conspiracy. They’ve doubled-down on probably illegally silencing certain sorts of speech and certain sorts of speech only, while letting at least as “dangerous” things go by without censure or censorship. Indeed, they developed the habit of actively defending their preferred narrative by banning dissenting or complaining comments and those that made them.

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