In The Fold, Not At The Gates

Yes, the wolves are in the fold. They came in wearing sheep’s’ clothing while we manned the gates, ready for an enemy not of our own blood.
And wolves in sheep’s clothing is exactly what those “moderate” Liberals who engage in logical-seeming, safe-sounding apologetics for #BlackLivesMatter and #DefundThePolice are. They are simply trying to convince people that “nobody wants to remove law enforcement. They just want to make things better for everyone.”
OK, to be fair, I might be giving some of them too much credit. Some number of these sorts are probably Useful Idiots rather than wolves in sheep’s clothing.
One need only look to the rest of the rhetoric and manifestos of those who want to reduce police presence to see that all these apologetics are lying or deluded. The goal, never particularly hidden, is to curtail, reduce, or largely eliminate law enforcement in America.
And none of the above even takes into account that their supposed premise is already long-proven to be unsustainable.
An Unsustainable Premise For The Big Lie
One of, possibly the key, pillars of #DefundThePolice’s agenda is that Law Enforcement should not “be tasked” with dealing with situations that are better handled by- and more clearly under the purview of social services. And, honestly, this is very logical-sounding; it’s completely intuitive. It’s also so completely unsustainable as to be false.
I hail from a state where this was already put in place decades ago. It failed. It didn’t take that long before, due to the dangers encountered, social services – Health & Rehabilitative Services (HRS) in that state – refused to send operatives out on most calls without a police escort.
Simply put, after a few were injured and at least one killed, HRS decided rightly that responding to such calls was not really their job since they didn’t have the training to deal with what they might encounter.
Tags: #BlackLiesMatter | #BlackLivesMatter | #DefundThePolice | America | Blacks | Crime | Criminals | Law | Law Enforcement | Lies | Police