Narrative vs Facts

Follow the Narrative Or Be A Terrible Person who analyzes the facts
Narrative vs Facts
How To Be A Terrible Person

That perfectly sums up the discord between the #Woke crowd and the American people. Their narrative is almost always debunked by the facts, and they hate those of us that place more value upon facts than the “lived experiences and narratives” of whatever specially protected group of non-normative sorts that the wokesters currently favor.

But then, they’ve never care much about or for the truth. This is because they entire position is that the truth doesn’t matter if that truth doesn’t harm normal, right-acting Americans.

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Facts & Fiction Today

Facts & Fiction Today
Facts & Fiction Today

That’s one of the biggest and most important, if not the biggest and most important, threats facing the Civilized, Free, Western World today – the blurred and biased line between facts and fiction today. Between the Lamestream Media’s Fake News and Social Media’s “Fact Checkers,” it’s largely impossible for anyone to distinguish between facts and fiction.

But then, this hellish situation should hardly be considered unexpected. After all, just as an informed Citizenry is necessary to Democracy, a misinformed Citizenry is needed for tyranny to sink its roots in society. And there are certain sorts who sorely desire such tyranny… for all the best reasons of course.

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Facebook Fact-Checkers

Facebook Fact-Checkers
Facebook Fact-Checkers

ROFLMAO! Yep! That sums up Facebook Fact-Checkers pretty damn aptly. They’re little to nothing but a bunch of often corrupt and/or biased 3rd-Party “fact-checkers” combined with the Far-Left-Leaning in-house fact-checking team – both of which are periodically overruled by either the sales teams (due to the value of ads placed) or upper management (due to poltical pressure).

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Check Your Facts

Check Your Facts
Check Your Facts – ROFLMAO

Yeah! Honestly, it’s like that. Certain sorts seem to love to tell Americans to check their facts and then, as supposed evidence, present articles from CNN or other Lamestream Media sources as evidence that the Americans are wrong.

Lamestream Media Fact-Checkers

And, of course, those Lamestream Media sources are so very careful about their fact-checking. They very much don’t want to tell something that the Leftists’ magisterium has decried as blasphemous or heretical. The cost to them would be too high.

Then, we must accept that this problem of “alternative facts” will continue. After all, Americans and the sorts who tend to vote Democrat don’t even have the same definition for many things.

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Math Is Hard

For Ocasio-Cortez Math Is Hard
For Ocasio-Cortez Math Is Hard

Yeah, math seems to be hard for far-left wingnut, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with most other pursuits normally considered appropriate for public consumption. But she thinks that utterly and completely unimportant because she’s “morally right.” Well, more like morally Left since her ethos seems centered firmly upon taking from the makers in order to give it to the ever-covetous takers.

But then, this doesn’t really make Orcasio-Cortez and standout among her sort. This lack of concern for facts is the norm for their sort.

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