Facebook Fact-Checkers

Facebook Fact-Checkers
Facebook Fact-Checkers

ROFLMAO! Yep! That sums up Facebook Fact-Checkers pretty damn aptly. They’re little to nothing but a bunch of often corrupt and/or biased 3rd-Party “fact-checkers” combined with the Far-Left-Leaning in-house fact-checking team – both of which are periodically overruled by either the sales teams (due to the value of ads placed) or upper management (due to poltical pressure).

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Both Truth & Spin

There's both Both Truth & Spin to this, which is as close to accuracy as a Liberal can get
Both Truth & Spin

This is funny, but also as close to truth and accuracy as the Left can come when it involves President Trump – some truth with at least an equal amount of negative spin.

The truth is that it does seem unlikely that President Trump would maintain the secrecy of many, if not all, of the things that make up the various conspiracies. The spin is that this would be because President Trump is incapable of keeping such secrets.

Our domestic enemies would never entertain the thought that President Trump just believes in transparency over the Deep State’s preference for secrecy and obfuscation.

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Facebook Bans Conspiracy

Facebook Bans Conspiracy
Facebook Bans Conspiracy

To most Americans it’s obvious that Facebook’s bans are the conspiracy. They’ve doubled-down on probably illegally silencing certain sorts of speech and certain sorts of speech only, while letting at least as “dangerous” things go by without censure or censorship. Indeed, they developed the habit of actively defending their preferred narrative by banning dissenting or complaining comments and those that made them.

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Fighting Fascistbook

Fighting Fascistbook Is Very Possible

Most people believe that there is no real way to fight against Facebook’s fascistic censoring of speech and opinion in its platform because Facebook aka Fascistbook is a private, corporate entity. Fortunately and surprisingly, this is NOT legally true and there is case law to back that up.

The US Supreme Court’s ruling in Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946) that when a corporation is, in essence the public square and functions as such, it must abide by the same restrictions as the State insofar as Constitutional law is concerned. And that Facebook is, in fact, operating in that manner is the held opinion of the SCOTUS, as stated in Packingham v. North Carolina, 582 U.S. _ (2017).

Social media allows users to gain access to information and communicate with one another on any subject that might come to mind. With one broad stroke, North Carolina bars access to what for many are the principal sources for knowing current events, checking ads for employment, speaking and listening in the modern public square, and otherwise exploring the vast realms of human thought and knowledge. Foreclosing access to social media altogether thus prevents users from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights.

— Justice Anthony Kennedy

The Court’s ruling in Packingham v. North Carolina is of particular importance because it eliminates the potentially countering issues brought up in Cyber Promotions, Inc. v. American Online, Inc., 948 F. Supp. 436 (E.D. Pa. 1996), though Facebook’s de facto monopoly and ubiquitousness might well do that already.

So yes, I do believe that we, the People have to capacity to fight Fascistbook and the other dangerously biased and tyrannical social media corporations that have become entrenched in society to the point of it not being completely ridiculous to think of them as utilities.

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Tip Your Head And Squint

Tip Your Head And Squint
If You Tip Your Head And Squint

Certain sorts are claiming that Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s recent report upon the FBI’s “handling” of Hillary Clinton’s #MailGate scandal showed that the FBI had no noticeable bias in favor of the failed presidential hopeful. But, no bias agianst President Trump and in favor of Hillary? Sure, if you either tip your head and squint or are of the sort who’s views are already skewed to the Left. 😉

Essentially, in 100s of pages of torturous legalese – with all the specific, most often abstruse to the general public, language inherent in such documents, IG Horowitz has set forth his opinion that, while various key investigators harbored anti-Trump, pro-Clinton bias, and even made statements indicating thier intention to act on that bias to prevent Donald Trump from becoming POTUS, the DoJ’s Inspector General’s office could find no evidence in in emails, text messages, instant messages, or documents that proved the FBI made decisions with an improper purpose or took measures which amounted to criminal action.

Yeah, tip your head and squint, people. Tip your head and squint.

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