Condemn All Hate Groups?

Condemn All Hate Groups?
Is It Time To Condemn All Hate Groups?

Is it time to condemn all hate groups? The short, obvious, objective answer is yes. Indeed, it has always been time to condemn any and all hate groups.

But, of course, the simple, the obvious, and especially the objective have little to no allowed place in modern discourse. 😡

Given that Americans and Democrats and their ilk don’t even begin to agree on the basic meanings of words, there’s no hope that we could agree on what constitutes a “Hate Group” They certainly don’t and never would accept the simple fact that #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa are hate groups. Additionally, they pretty much lump “White Power” and “Nazis” together and apply the pejorative to each and every American – or “AmeriKKKan” as they often spell it – who doesn’t faithfully adhere to the tenets of the Left’s religion of Wokeness.

Finally, to make matters so much more “nuanced” and worse – and, even more uncomfortable for the self-aware – with the anti-White, racist violence of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa acting as a near-perfect stand-in for carpetbaggers, the KKK, and other White Power groups seem less evil and more than a bit more sympathetic.

In these degenerate times, it’s not simple or easy to condemn all hate groups.

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They Honestly Believe This

They Honestly Believe This
They Honestly Believe That Fascism Can Be Justly Used To Suppress Fascism
They Honestly Believe This

It’s a saddening and maddening things that Steve Kelly’s political cartoon, while meant as sarcasm, is actually just the simple truth. The Left, now the mainstream of the Democrat party, honestly believes that they’re fighting fascism instead of bringing it about in America.

And far worse, it’s likely that the majority of the sorts that are part of- support, ally with, or generally agree with #Antifa and similar terrorist organizations are beyond redemption, recovery, or re-education. This is made even more likely due to the Democrats having normalized and mainstreamed their agenda and actions. Indeed, what was the “Far-Left” now seems to define the entirety of the Democrats’ platform.

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Facebook 2020 Elections

Facebook 2020 Elections
Facebook 2020 Elections

Oh, the sorts running and working at Fascistbook will probably never quite come out and say it, but blocking, jailing, and deplatforming as many American voices as possible is definitely part of their agenda in the lead up to the 2020 elections.

Their latest target has been Black Conservative, Candace Owens. They actually went so far as to authorize special scrutiny of Ms. Owens’ public persona, her ideology, actions, and major news involving her. The policy review team was also instructed to list any and all “Affiliated Hate Entities” of Owens – whatever those are.

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Facebook Bans Conspiracy

Facebook Bans Conspiracy
Facebook Bans Conspiracy

To most Americans it’s obvious that Facebook’s bans are the conspiracy. They’ve doubled-down on probably illegally silencing certain sorts of speech and certain sorts of speech only, while letting at least as “dangerous” things go by without censure or censorship. Indeed, they developed the habit of actively defending their preferred narrative by banning dissenting or complaining comments and those that made them.

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#BelieveAllWomen, Untermensch! Your kind have no rights
#BelieveAllWomen, Untermensch!

Remember that Kavanaugh is just the latest and to-date most cynical and potentially destructive example of the Gyno-Fascism of the Feminazis that make up this toxic wave of Feminism we’re dealing with. The very idea behind #BelieveAllWomen is that the mere accusation of a man by a womyn is proof of guilt and all better get on board persecuting that man unless they too wish to be decried as Untermensch.

It must become clear to everybody in America, even to the last barista, that Masculinity is equal to subhumanity. This must be clearly outlined until every womyn of America has it encoded in her subconsciousness that every Man, whether a worker or intellectual, should be treated like vermin.

Gyn-Reich Ministry of Female Enlightment, Dir #1306 (2019)

Now, they’re not quite ready to declare us as being Unnütze Esser or Lebensunwertes Leben and I doubt that any of the Gyno-Fascists would go that far. No, the Feminazis will probably satisfy themselves with declaring men to be Untermensch because, whether they like it and us or not, we’re too useful to them. Hence, their Generalplan Amerika (GPA) will be very unlikely to include gender-cleansing. Their doctrine of Sichersraum will, in all reasonable likelihood, just include the subjugation and re-education of men rather than their extermination.

And yes, it not only can happen here, but it is also already happening here.  Whenever it is demanded that certain class’ allegations or accusations are, in and of themselves, enough for a verdict of guilt and subsequent punishment, one is creating an Ubermensch and Untermensch paradigm. And that is exactly what the braunröcke of #MeToo, #IBelieveHer, and #BelieveAllWomen are doing.

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