Tyson’s Oddly Apt
I’m not a particular proponent of Neil deGrass Tyson as either a scientist or a valid authority on sociopolitical issues, but Tyson’s oddly apt in the case of his recent tweet about mass shootings, deaths in general, and the mass market response to such things.
There’s too many people – sheeple really – who go into hysterics over the ever-hyped by the Democrats’ Lamestream Media occurrences like “mass shootings” but are apathetic towards so many other avoidable ways in which people die on daily basis. They just dutifully bleat about what they’re told to bleat about so that the grifters of the Left can profiteer off of this tragedies.
So, kudos to Mr. Tyson for actually applying reason and facts to the situation and putting in a more rational perspective.
Tags: America | Death | deGrasse-Tyson | Disease | Grifters | Gun Control | Gun Grabbers | Homocide | Hysteria | Influenza | Lamestream Media | Mass Shootings | Media Bias | Sheep | Sheeple | Society | Suicide | Traffic Accidents