Coronavirus Defense

Coronavirus Defense System
Coronavirus Defense System

You need to protect yourself and your community from the pandemic, coronavirus (COVID-19)! Hence, you just might want to invest in a Coronavirus Defense System for when you see some damn fool coughing or sneezing and then wiping their face. 😆

Or for when you see some other damn fool buying up all the damn toilet paper!

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Tyson’s Oddly Apt

Tyson's Oddly Apt When It Comes To Deaths And Attention
Tyson’s Oddly Apt When It Comes To Deaths And Attention

I’m not a particular proponent of Neil deGrass Tyson as either a scientist or a valid authority on sociopolitical issues, but Tyson’s oddly apt in the case of his recent tweet about mass shootings, deaths in general, and the mass market response to such things.

There’s too many people – sheeple really – who go into hysterics over the ever-hyped by the Democrats’ Lamestream Media occurrences like “mass shootings” but are apathetic towards so many other avoidable ways in which people die on daily basis. They just dutifully bleat about what they’re told to bleat about so that the grifters of the Left can profiteer off of this tragedies.

So, kudos to Mr. Tyson for actually applying reason and facts to the situation and putting in a more rational perspective.

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It’s Ebola Season

Gentlemen – and some number of you ladies – it’s cold, flu, and ebola season in the US.


Definitely Time For Check-Up
(Click to Enlarge)

The best course of action I can prescribe for you is to go to the doctor’s for a check-up. The right doc can relieve all your ills and stresses. 😛

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Societal Antibodies

lous-farrakhan-nation-of-islam-leader The racist hate group, the Nation of Islam’s (NOI) leader, “Minister” Louis Farrakhan jabbered at an audience in Memphis, TN,  telling them that he believes the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed by Whites to kill millions of people throughout the world – but particularly Blacks in America’s inner cities.

It was a recurring theme in his over-an-hour-long jabbering and hollering screed against America, Whites, and especially Jews.

From the Memphis Daily News:

The H1N1 vaccines – they’re telling you there’s a pandemic but they don’t have enough to get an influenza vaccination and many wise people won’t take it,” he said. “You see, years ago (former Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger talked about the work of the new century was culling billions of people from our planet. In the Talmud, the people are called goyem who are useless eaters. They eat but they are useless. 
 Culling is another word for getting rid of billions of people because they say things are shrinking in terms of what people need, there are too many people for too few resources.


We have to develop a science that kills them and make it look as though they died in a pestilence or they died from some disease

Normally this sort of repetitive, drooling mouthings spewing from the maw of a subhuman vermin like Farrakhan wouldn’t be worth mentioning. This time, however, it sparked my interest in an odd way and hence, this post was created.

What if society operates in a fashion similar in some manners to an organism? If so, Farrakhan could unknowingly be functioning as one of American society’s antibodies and helping our nation kill off disease within “the body” of our nation.

If the cultists – all avowed enemies of human society – who follow Farrakhan and believe what he spews up choose not to get vaccinated against various diseases such as the H1N1 influenza virus, then it’s possible that they will sicken and die off, freeing America from their cancerous growth.

H1N1 is actually a weak strain of influenza and far less lethal than many of the other strains circulating through the world, so we will sadly reap little or no immediate benefit from Farrakhan rants.

So perhaps Farrakhan does serve a useful purpose after all – as a societal antibody that helps kill off one of the “diseases” plaguing our land. Even if the current strain of H1N1 doesn’t live up to the hype surrounding it, something will come along that will and Farrakhan’s cultists may well die from it and thereby purge America of their sickness.

I don’t think Farrakhan would appreciate the comparison to a White blood cell at all though. 😉

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So Swine Flu…Yawn

H1N1 Influenza Virus Every year in America approximately 200,000 people are hospitalized for influenza (flu). Of those, 36,000 people die from the virus, which is an 18% mortality rate. Worldwide, the annual influenza epidemics cause between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths.

Each and every year these statistics pass quietly by without media attention or induced mass panic. It’s just not considered newsworthy.

Of course this is not the case with the current rash of Swine Flu (H1N1) cases occurring right now. The media and the US government are making absolutely sure that this is a newsworthy issue. Public concern bordering on panic has been the result of this media apocalyptic extravaganza.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of As of April 29, 2009, 11:00 AM EST there have been 91 confirmed cases of this form of Swine Flu in the United States with 1 fatality. Worldwide, as of 2:15 EST, 28 April 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting that seven countries: America,  Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Israel, and Spain, have officially reported cases of swine influenza for a total of 132 case with 8 deaths (Mexico: 7, US: 1).

So…91 cases of Swine Flu with 8 deaths over the course of 5 days is cause for panic? Based on the figures from NIAID, during that same 5 days 2740 Americans were hospitalized for various forms of influenza and 493 of them died from it – but that wasn’t news! Nor were the 2700 – 6850 influenza caused deaths worldwide during the same 5 days.

Ask yourself who benefits from this sort of fear-mongering, then ask yourself how they benefit from it. Finally…ask yourself which is the real disease, the influenza virus or the people using it for their own purposes.

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