Democrat Political Rallies

Democrat Political Rallies
Democrat Political Rallies

The above image pretty much sums up what goes on at democrat political rallies. Killing the unborn, importing hostile foreign invaders, and disarming the American people are three of the major planks in the Democrats’ platform. In point of fact, the oikophobic sheeple that vote for Dems are far more extreme and rabid about those three destructive points than most of the professional Democrats.

Actually, the only falsehood in the image is the number of sheeple shown. Most Democrat political rallies don’t generate much in the way of a crowd. 😉

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Innocence's Death

Innocence's Death
Innocence’s Death

Innocence’s death, more often than not in the Civilized World, comes not through horror’s seen or done, but from learning that one is nothing but a market or political demographic to be manipulated and exploited. Oh yes, innocence dies whimpering with the simple knowledge that one’s heroes, one’s villains, and even the tensions between them are simply marketing and branding meant to profit off of you.

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Where'd The Trust Go?

Where'd The Trust Go?
Where’d The Trust Go?

That’s a really good question. Where did all the Democrats, who declared that they trusted the science during the Pandemic, go now that it’s been proven that the “science” was far more science-fiction than actual science… well, aside from Sociology and Social Engineering?

Yeah, they seemed to have crawled back into the woodwork. Not, mind you, that they’d admit to any real wrong or mistake if confronted by and American. In those circumstance, they just claim it doesn’t matter and we were still wrong and evil… because we’re Americans, whom they decry as, at the very least, Right-Wing extremists.

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Media Mesmerization

Media Mesmerization
Media Mesmerization

If the last three years have shown us nothing else, they’ve shown us that the Lamestream Media – now, little more or better than a propaganda corps for our Leftist domestic enemies – have greatly improved their mesmerization techniques. And they done a “good” job focusing the the ever-eager-to-herded sheeple on whatever they and their fellow travelers want focused upon.

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Biden's Not A Smart Man

Biden's Not A Smart Man
Biden’s Not A Smart Man

There’s the Gods’ honest truth! Biden’s not in any way a smart man – though he possesses ample amounts of the low cunning normally found in career politicians – but he’s an order of magnitude less stupid than those sorts that support him and equally smarter than those who don’t actually do so but vote for him and his ilk out of hatred for Americans.

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