So Fashion Forward


Mmmmm… So Fashion Forward. I Love It! 😉

Now, with the SCOTUS’s decision and specific opinions on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization having overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a lot of Liberals and Progressives, and all the Feministas having ranting about how America is going to become the nation in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, it’s good to see that some women are being fashion forward about it. 😆

OK, now I’m thinking of some Mayday operative, Handmaiden roleplay. “Tell me your name as I put my child in you before sending you back to that Commander!” #MKINYKBMKIOK

Oh, and if any of you Liberal Womyn want to get ahead of the game, you can buy your very own bonnet here. And, don’t you worry your pretty-enough-that-some-man-had-sex-with-you heads about raising your unwanted but now unable to be murdered children. Believe me, no Americans want you raising any children. We have many, many good, upstanding, American couples will be quite happy to have the State give them your progeny to raise and raise rightly.


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Tyson’s Oddly Apt

Tyson's Oddly Apt When It Comes To Deaths And Attention
Tyson’s Oddly Apt When It Comes To Deaths And Attention

I’m not a particular proponent of Neil deGrass Tyson as either a scientist or a valid authority on sociopolitical issues, but Tyson’s oddly apt in the case of his recent tweet about mass shootings, deaths in general, and the mass market response to such things.

There’s too many people – sheeple really – who go into hysterics over the ever-hyped by the Democrats’ Lamestream Media occurrences like “mass shootings” but are apathetic towards so many other avoidable ways in which people die on daily basis. They just dutifully bleat about what they’re told to bleat about so that the grifters of the Left can profiteer off of this tragedies.

So, kudos to Mr. Tyson for actually applying reason and facts to the situation and putting in a more rational perspective.

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Loser Left’s Laments

Loser Left’s Laments

I waited a bit before commenting on the 2018 mid-term elections, partly to give a chance for more state-level results to be made easily available and partly to give myself a chance to see what the consensus fall out was. It was worth the wait because the fall out was both unexpected.

The Left’s Lament

The Left’s party of choice, the Democrats flip the House by a small margin, gained a few Governorships, but lost ground in the Senate. And yet, most of them seem pretty damn angry about the results and feel that they lost, in that they didn’t get their “Blue Wave” or their “fair share” of elected offices across our country.

Essentially, these sorts are ranting because the Democrats overall received more raw, ballots across the nation than the GOP did. Hence, they believe that they should have been given more seats in the Senate, irrespective of the fact that each Seat’s election is a standalone item and not impacted by other election results.  Yes, that is correct. They’re whining because their people, concentrated in a relatively few urban areas, didn’t get to dictate how other people’s elections went.

They Think That The Blue Should Rule The Red
(Click to Enlarge)

Of course, this is exactly the sort of hysterical and quasi-mindless lamentations one can expect from a group of people who have:

  1. Voluntarily segregated and isolated themselves into a small number of “geographically challenged” of “safe spaces”;
  2. Believe that their desires and perceived needs are those of the entirety of the country – except for those deplorable racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, bigoted Fascists in “Fly Over Country;”
  3. Are only concerned with “minority rights” when said minority isn’t White people – who are, of course, deplorable racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, bigoted Fascists.

Yeah, I guess it sucks for them and to be them. Even when they score some level and form of victory, they lament instead of rejoice because nothing short of their total victory over the American people will suffice.

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Bolton Fires At ICC

Cue the outrage, hysteria, and screaming tantrums from Americans’ enemies, both foreign and domestic.  President Trump’s National Security Adviser, John Bolton just severely rebuked the International Criminal Court (ICC) and threatened that America will retaliate against them if this foreign body follows through with its attempt to prosecute American military and intelligence personnel for supposed war crimes committed during the conflict in Afghanistan.

Yeah, our enemies are going to blow their tops over this because the only thing that they hate more than our warfighters and intelligence operatives is the idea of America as a sovereign nation unbounded by foreign control, restrictions, and authority.

Of course, what the liberals and progressives who will be screaming are either ignorant of- or in wilful denial thereof is that the US is not signatory to the ICC and is not one of its state-parties and is therefor outside of its jurisdiction since the amendments to the ICC’s powers during 2010 Review Conference of the Rome Statute made the ICC unable to prosecute individuals of a non-state party, e.g., the US.  Additionally, US federal law, specifically the 2002 American Service-Members’ Protection Act (ASPA), prohibits any agency or entity of the United States Government or of any State or local government, including any court, from cooperating with this body in just about any fashion whatsoever.

But then, this isn’t about facts or laws. This is all about our domestic enemies’ pathology.

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Hearing Them Cry

Dems at the Kavanaugh confirmations. Hearing them Cry is equal parts annoying and affirming
Dems – Hearing Them Cry

That’s the thing about seeing, reading of, and hearing the shameless, infantile, and mendacious screaming and squalling of the Dems during the pro forma confirmation hearings  of Brett Kavanaugh; it’s equal parts annoying and enjoyable.

Yes, hearing the representatives of our domestic enemies have tantrums and engage in behavior so far beneath what is expected of adults, much less people in positions of responsibility is both horrifying and gratifying in equal measure. While it is painful to experience, it perfectly showcases exactly what the worth of our enemies is.

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