Ready For Next Panicdemic?

Are you ready for the Dems’ next panicdemic? According to the increasingly mush-brained “child lover” in the White House, you better be. And, you’d better be happy with giving him and his fellow Dems more money or you’re all going die to along with your children.
Well, I said that COVID-19 was going to be with us forever… or until we restore our republic and Make America Great Again.
Yeah, I Guess I’m Ready For it
Yeah, I guess I’m ready for it. Sure, I was really hoping that we’d begin to start seeing people’s faces again, but I’ a guy and I’m sort of OK with being expected to look at a woman’s face as almost an afterthought. 😉
Of course I also understand that the other part of Biden’s preparatory statement about the next panicdemic is based upon the fact that Americans are poised to retake the House and probably the Senate. I’m ready as anyone who needs to earn a living can be at this time to deal with the fact that State and Local politicians in Dem-controlled zones will do their best to hammer at basic liberties and the economy in order to ensure that American politicians can’t revive our economy and bring our nation back to some semblance of normalcy, growth, and prosperity for those who earn it.
Tags: America | Biden | Corona QTs | Coronavirus | COVID QTs | COVID-19 | Democrats | FUD | Pandemic | Panicdemic | Plagues | Politics | Society