The Siege Perilous 2.0
The Siege Perilous 2.0
Mark Ellis, in creating the Playa Crawler, has also created the Siege Perilous 2.0. After all, he’s achieved the Holy Grail of cool and creepy personal conveyances. 😆
Tags: Cool Stuff | Creepy | Engineering | Mark Ellis | Playa Crawler | Technology
August 15th, 2018 at 5:06 pm
Interesting invention. I hope it leads to better things for those who use wheelchairs.
August 16th, 2018 at 8:23 am
I would hope the same except that I already know the maker is just a sculptor and is creating art, not a potentially practical device that might improve mobility for the disabled.
August 18th, 2018 at 9:19 am
I have always believed that somewhere the technology exists to make a wheel chair that can climb stairs. That was why I looked at this device closely. I had hoped something with it’s propulsion had potential in that area, but I see it does not. Having dealt with powered wheel chairs and handicap ramps for various elderly relatives, overcoming the limitations of the wheel is a point of interest to me.
August 18th, 2018 at 9:27 am
Submit the idea, along with “original art” – look up the term if needs be – to Boston Dynamics, my friend. You just might do the world and yourself some good.
August 19th, 2018 at 6:14 pm
Those spot robots on the Boston Dynamics site are very amusing. They certainly over come stairs. They remind me of deer or canines the way they move. I don’t know if scaling up that design to transport the weight of a human is the answer.
I am thinking of a robot based on a spider. The chair holding the person is the body of the spider. 8 legs coming out on the bottom or the side. Wheels or even tracks underneath for travel on flat ground. The problem is not allowing the legs on the side to make the vehicle too wide because of navigating narrow doorways. Length could also be an issue. That might be solved by allowing the body to be divided and swivel in the middle to get around turns.
Crazy I know, but anybody who can build those spot robots could build one based on any animal body type. Finding the form that is most efficient for human transport over obstacles is the problem.
August 28th, 2018 at 11:38 am
Just saw one of their robots at Boston Dynamics called the handle. I missed that one before. That design I think could be adapted with out too many changes for human transport. I had not thought of that method. It is like a segway with arms.
August 28th, 2018 at 12:44 pm
And, thanks our conversation, I’ve found out that this is all mostly moot. A functionally similiar product exists, the iBot.
September 2nd, 2018 at 7:04 am
You have confirmed my intuition on this. The technology has to exist. It is more of a matter of economics. I’ve dealt with elderly relatives who could have benefited from this technology, but I can see now that disabled combat Vets will drive the eventual roll out.
Thank you for showing me who is developing these devices. I hope by the time I will need them they are more available. I wish a guy like Elon Musk would forget about Tesla and go in this direction.
September 2nd, 2018 at 7:07 am
Well, Musk’s battery development will help this too, so that’s something.