So Fashion Forward

Mmmmm… So Fashion Forward. I Love It! 😉
Now, with the SCOTUS’s decision and specific opinions on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization having overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a lot of Liberals and Progressives, and all the Feministas having ranting about how America is going to become the nation in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, it’s good to see that some women are being fashion forward about it. 😆
OK, now I’m thinking of some Mayday operative, Handmaiden roleplay. “Tell me your name as I put my child in you before sending you back to that Commander!” #MKINYKBMKIOK
Oh, and if any of you Liberal Womyn want to get ahead of the game, you can buy your very own bonnet here. And, don’t you worry your pretty-enough-that-some-man-had-sex-with-you heads about raising your unwanted but now unable to be murdered children. Believe me, no Americans want you raising any children. We have many, many good, upstanding, American couples will be quite happy to have the State give them your progeny to raise and raise rightly.
Tags: Abortion | America | Feminism | Feminists | Forced Pregnancy | Handmaid's Tale | Humor | Hysteria | Infanticide | Law | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Sarcasm | Schadenfreude | SCOTUS | Society