ISIS Sex Slaves Rescued
Breaking News: Despite ongoing claims by the Obama Regime that we’d have no “boots on the ground” in Iraq and/or Syria, US Marines have recently rescued a bunch of ISIS’ sex slaves.
USMC Rescue ISIS Sex Slaves
While I praise the USMC for their unflagging commitment to morality and for making such a strategic strike against the Jihadis’ morale and operational efficiency, I’m left somewhat ambivalent. Yes, it’s good to prevent this particular Muslim predilection; yes, it’s good to to destroy the Muslims’ morale by freeing their sex slaves; but doing so comes with long-term consequences.
Every load of sperm some filthy Muslim spends inside a sheep, goat, or other farm animal is one that it didn’t spend inside something that could later squeeze out a new generation of these vermin that our children will have to fight against. Hence, I’m not sure if this was a wise idea. 😉
Tags: Bestiality | Eugenics | Genocide | Goats | Humor | Iraq | ISIS | Islam | Muslims | Politics | Religion | Sheep | Syria | US Military | USMC | Vermin
October 24th, 2014 at 5:42 am
P.S. Did you receive my question I submitted via you “contact” form several days ago?
October 25th, 2014 at 9:10 am
Yes I did and I’m sorry for not responding sooner. It’s a topic that I’m quite interested in pursuing now that you brought it up, Buffet. Look for it in the coming weeks.
October 25th, 2014 at 9:27 am
I am both fascinated and utterly perplexed by the phenomenon. How in blue blazes could one not realize how nonsensical they appear spouting such redundancy??