Climate Change’s Spokestroll

Climate Change's Spokestroll In A Nutshell
Climate Change’s Spokestroll In A Nutshell

Greta Thunberg, the severely mentally ill spokestroll for the world’s Global Warmists, is the perfect face for the hypocrisy and selective actions of the Warmists as a whole. Only certain countries are faced with their outrage and have to deal with Leftist politicians pandering to them. Other, somehow always non-White, countries can, do, and will act and “pollute” as the please with no reasonable fear of backlash.

Then, the entirety of the AGW alarmism and activism has almost always been more about wealth redistribution and equity than it’s been about Climate Change. And it’s been far more about padding the pockets of a small number of businessmen and politicians than that.

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Controlled Bern

I really thought we were largely done with Bernie and would only have to hear about the “hijinks” of the #BernOuts and #Sandernistas as the rebelled at Democrat orthodoxy, i.e., Hillary Clinton, the Chosen Cunt. I was, however, wrong. It’s seem old Bernie has been “gotten to” and is now being used to put out the very fire he started.

The DNC is good at setting suppression firesDNC – Setting a Controlled Bern To Suppress A Wildfire

The Democrats have always been good at fire control though, so this shouldn’t be as odd as it is. Still, Bernie’s flip is shocking in its rapidity and extremity as he turned against his own followers and everything they were indoctrinated to believe in.

I’ve got to give Hillary and DNC credit though for efficiency and efficacy though. Using a Controlled Bern as a Suppression Fire to starve out the very wildfire he created within the Democrats’ rank and file when they were afraid that fire would overrun Hillary’s firebreak aka the DNC is possessed of a terrible elegance.

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