Instilling Fear
In any society that hopes to maintain its liberty and avoid tyranny it is necessary for its people to instill fear in its political leadership. In best case scenarios this needs only be the fear of the consequences of misbehavior. In other all too common situations it is necessary to fill the politicians with the fear of reprisals by the people.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
– Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
America is at a point where it is dealing with a middle case scenario where politicians need to be instilled with a combination of preventative and punitive fears.
Fortunately, Americans have exercised some of the means at their disposal to instill the needed fear in the political elite. They banded together as the TEA Parties and elected representatives to Congress who were of strong purpose and character.
In the degenerate system that America’s federal government has devolved into, honest and patriotic men an women who have chosen to shoulder the burden of providing correction to that system and who are willing to disregard the personal cost to themselves for doing so are an acute source of fear for all the professional politicians who are heavily invested, often literally, in maintaining the current broken status quo.
Nothing scares professional politicians more than actual statesmen, and nothing scares the Liberals and Progressives more than American statesmen, even though they whine and rant when their own sort don’t behave similarly.
Tags: America | Debt | Deficit | Democrats | Fear | Federalism | Freedom | Instilling Fear | Leftists | Liberals | Liberty | Media Bias | Patriots | Politics | Pork | Pork Barrel | Progressives | Republicans | Spending | Statism | Statists | Subsidiarity | Tea Parties