The Orthodoxy Of Epiphany

The Orthodoxy Of Epiphany

And, with this, I really do wrap up Christmastide. For today is the celebration of Epiphany in the Eastern Orthodox Church, which both never switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian one that most of us use and celebrates Epiphany as the day of Jesus’ baptism of Jesus by John the Forerunner in the River Jordan rather than the arrival of the three Magi.

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Actionable Affirmations

Orthocegenation - Actionable Affirmations
Orthocegenation – Actionable Affirmations

Since it’s once again Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it seems to me to be the most appropriate time to remind all you, my fellow White Men, that Orthocegenation is the best way to reach the goals of equality. Providing Black Women with our children and our support as fathers to those children are actionable affirmations that we are all Americans and all committed to a better, brighter future for those children.

The arc of justice may be long, but we can shorten it. So, do the Right, White thing and include Black women in your reproductive choices and, all else being equal, choose them as them as mothers of your children. Indeed, if you accept the need for equity, prioritize your choice of them for motherhood. Remember, by diversifying our fatherhood we spread – dare I say redistribute? – our privilege, thereby reducing the gap between races.

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I Support LGBT

I Support LGBT
I Support LGBT

At all times and in a places I support LGBT – Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Tits. And, because I’m Inclusive, I mean all tits. Furthermore, as a proponent of Diversity, I also fully support Ass. 😆

As for those that fit the more common usage for this acronym? No. I don’t support them for the most part, not for just being lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies. However, I don’t have anything against them just for being Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies either.

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I Support Offshore Drilling

I Support Offshore Drilling
I Support Offshore Drilling

I support offshore drilling – also inshore and onshore drilling. 😉 Oh! And yes, that goes for seeking oil too. Then, in the latter context, I’m also not against offshore windpower and/or hydropower, though I believe that those are only good for secondary power generation at this time and further ecological impact studies need to be performed.

Drill, Baby, Drill!

Oh yeah! Drill, Baby, Drill. Supporting offshore drilling is both beautiful and very, very patriotic. America needs a lot more of it.

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Oh No! The Tripledemic!

As you or may not have been told, we’re apparently in a Tripledemic. The powers that be and the sorts that profit off of fear, uncertainty, and doubt have tried – apparently with less than expected success – to make sure we all know and are horrified that we’re in the season of COVID-19, the Flu, and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

Oh no! We’re doomed… or not. While these diseases are real, are infecting people, and are not something anyone should want to have more than one of at a time, the sought after panicdemic seems to be something we in America have developed herd immunity to. 😉

Oh No! The Tripledemic!

But hey! This does mean that our new Niqabis will still be with us, possibly in somewhat increased numbers. And, to my mind, that’s not all bad.

But RTO Is Buggered, Saving Our Investmentwear

And, even better for me and a lot of others, the continued, cyclical attempts at recreating the panicdemic have and probably will continue to bugger the RTO movement. Our investmentwear seems to be in a stable position where it will do the most good.

And Nurses May Finally Get Some Play

But, what I’m hoping for is that the combination of COVID-19, the Flu, RSV and the public’s lack of overwrought concern will lead to nurses finally getting the play that they deserve. It always seem wrong to me that, for the last few years, we’ve not stepped up and showed nurses that we love them.

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