A Proper Martini

A Proper Martini Is Shaken, Not Stirred
A Proper Martini Is Shaken, Not Stirred

Lucky Eddie (Hamingju Játvarðr) may have been portrayed throughout the years as Hägar The Horrible’s rather stupid and bumbling sidekick, but he possessed and dispensed great wisdom. As is made clear above, a proper martini is shaken, not stirred. 😉

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I Support LGBT

I Support LGBT
I Support LGBT

At all times and in a places I support LGBT – Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Tits. And, because I’m Inclusive, I mean all tits. Furthermore, as a proponent of Diversity, I also fully support Ass. 😆

As for those that fit the more common usage for this acronym? No. I don’t support them for the most part, not for just being lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies. However, I don’t have anything against them just for being Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies either.

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Make Mine A Double


Make Mine A Double
(Click to Enlarge)

As I’ve stated before, I’m a fan of tequila. Some days though, especially in these times, I prefer to take it in double shots. 😉

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Ay Tequila!


Ay Tequila!
(Click to Enlarge)

Tequila, a long-time favorite, and a liquor that has increasingly taken the world by storm; some say too much so due to our now drinking more tequila worldwide than Mexico can make. It’s one of my personal favorites and this could easily become my favorite way to partake.

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Listening To Your Friends

OK. You got friends and, having them, you like to go drinking with them. After all drinking buddies are a good thing. They make the evening’s bacchanalia a lot more convivial. And you can normally count of them to have some idead of what to do aside from just drinking…

Advice From Your Drinking Buddies

You should, however, probably remember that just because your drinking buddies have given you advice doesn’t mean you have to take it.

Then again, in this age of smartphones and YouTube, talking the advice of your drinking buddies might be your ticket to fame. 😛

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