Carnivale Season

We’re In Carnivale Season

Just so you all know, we’re in Carnivale season. So, all over the Catholic world we’re in the season of this sort of beautiful festivities. Better yet, in the Caribbean there’s still more coming.

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Give Them Reason For Thanks

With Thanksgiving right around the corner – in America at least – I’d like to point out to my fellow White men that, for the sake of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, we really should give those women of color something to be thankful for – specifically some “golden children.” 😉

Give Them Reason For Thanks - Orthocegenate

Orthocegenation Is Right

Orthocegenation is right, just, and the best way to raise up the marginalized people by sharing our supposed privilege. No woman of color should have to bear non-White children.

Give Them Reason For Thanks

Yes, gentlemen, give them reasons for thanks. Give these beautiful women and the children you’ll give them a way out and way up by helping close the Generational Wealth Gap in the best way possible. 😉

It’s the right, White thing. It’s the just thing. And, take this as coming from the voice of experience – it is no burden at all. Privilege is best shared and that sharing brings it own rewards and pleasures.

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Mitigating the Border Crisis

We have a serious and very long-running border crisis at the southern edge of America. It’s a problem that no Administration has been able to – in the case of the Dems, willing to – do anything about. And this is despite 57 year recorded history of Americans not generally being in favor of immigrants at all, much less the situation we have had for the past 16 – 20 years. But all that doesn’t mean we should make efforts at mitigating the border crisis.

Mitigating the Border Crisis

And yes, I think that our mitigation efforts should be centered on their women. After all, even Democrats favor – or, at least, use – the plight of women at our border to badger us into letting just anyone in. I’ve said before and still maintain that walls are needed but those walls need gates.

So, my fellow Americans – and by that I specifically mean My Fellow White Men – we need to be ready and willing to do the right thing and help these Latinas find a place in America. And, Gentlemen, make sure that our mitigating the border crisis is a long-term solution, not just a quick fix. 😉

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El Festival Más Caliente

Cinco de Mayo – El Festival Más Caliente

Ah yes! Once again it’s Cinco de Mayo, possible the hottest holiday ever created. Sadly, it may also be called el festival más racista jamás creado por Norteamérica, since it’s largely an American invention and is filled with some piss-poor stereotypes and tropes.

Hence, I’s rather use the day to celebrate the beauty of Latinas than to dress inappropriately and swill tequila, especially the cheap, nasty stuff that will be the unfortunate norm.

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Make Mine A Double


Make Mine A Double
(Click to Enlarge)

As I’ve stated before, I’m a fan of tequila. Some days though, especially in these times, I prefer to take it in double shots. 😉

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