Academic Funding

Why We Should End Academic Funding
Why We Should End Academic Funding

Our federal government funding colleges and universities is just like that, which would be OK, if insane, if the federal government were the only ones harmed through their suicidal stupidity. Sadly however, it the nation as a whole, especially true-born and rightly-raised patriots, who suffer the greatest damage from it. And yet, they still do it.

Honestly, these days we look back on somewhat earlier years when these colleges and universities were merely hotbeds of Leftist indoctrination as the ‘good ol’ days.” The current #Wokeism, Antisemitism, outright support for terrorists and America’s avowed enemies, and increasing intolerance of- and disdain for normal Americans looks more like the lead up to either the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia or the rise of the Nazi party in Germany than anything that belongs in America. And what is supposedly our government continues to fund them with our tax dollars.

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Beautiful But Sad

Beautiful But Sad – The Fact That We Can Tell They’re Republicans

The women are beautiful and made a bit more so by being – barely – clothed in the American flag. But it’s also sad. It’s sad because we can all tell that they’re Republicans or Republican-leaning, Independents. It’s deplorable that our nation has reached the point where only Republicans and “Republican Adjacent” people are actually Americans in a way other than legalism.

It’s a truly horrific time when the entirety of the Democrats and all the various fringe groups surrounding them actually hate our nation’s flag, are viscerally offended by its display, and consider anyone and everyone who would wear or display it as a probable domestic terrorist.

It’s sad because I can see no future where Democrats ever stop hating America. It’s sad because I see no future where America isn’t washed in the blood of her People and that of the Democrats and their allies.

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Biden's Accomplishments

Biden's Accomplishments
Biden’s Accomplishments

The majority of people, both Americans and Democrats, don’t think that Creepy Uncle Joe and Co. have accomplished much of anything since he was installed into office. That thought, however, isn’t really fair at all. Biden’s accomplishments are broad in scope and far reaching in impact.

And, thing for Americans to remember is that, for the Left most of these are accomplishments. Biden has accomplished many key steps in the Democrats’ plan to reduce the power, wealth, and importance of America. Honestly, I’m fairly certain that the only reasons the Left isn’t more in open support of Biden are that he isn’t seen by them as aggressive, confrontational, and authoritarian enough; and that he didn’t actively aid Hamas after October 7, 2023.

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Identifying The UN

Identifying The UN
Identifying The UN

These days, it’s actually pretty damn easy to identify the UN and it’s subsidiaries. They’re all either actual Islamists or those who pander to them or use them as proxies against America and Israel.

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I’m Allowed To If…

I'm Allowed To If...
I’m Allowed To If…

This is sadly how Democrats and their sort think of things. I’m allowed to firebomb a synagogue as long as I shout, “Free Palestine!” Similarly, I’m allowed – or would be if I were a Black – to literally rape, murder, pillage, and burn whole neighborhoods and towns as long as I or others like me shout, “Black Lives Matter.” And now, apparently, I’m somewhat allowed – I’d die a martyr – to gun down children as long as they’re Christians and I’m a Tranny.

That is the nature of our domestic enemies. They’re largely OK with any acts of violence committed by their “Oppressed” upon their “Oppressors.” As long as the perpetrators are not part of the normative majority and the victims either are or are perceived to be close enough to such as to be “deserving” of harm. That is normally considered by them to be simply fighting for freedom or tearing down a racist or bigoted system and, hence, to be excused. Any blame for it is placed upon the victims and society, which “forced” these “Oppressed” to lash out in violence.

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