The Convington Crucifixion

The Convington Crucifixion
The Convington Crucifixion

The only thing wrong about the political cartoon above is that the Left’s
legionarii, the fake news purveying Lamestream Media has not, with one exception, admitted to being in the wrong for crucifying Nick Sandmann and his fellow Covington Catholic High School students. No, they, having set the narrative that these boys were racists – of course, they’re young, White soon-to-be men – the MSM has for the most part just used their own brand of apologetics to make it seem that all those Leftists who’ve called for everything up to the students’ murder had some reasonable or, at least, understandable motivation for their threats… which, of course, shouldn’t be taken seriously in the first place since they’re Democrats.

By this point it should be more than clear that the MSM as a whole and its “journalists” in specific as individuals are the open and unabashed enemies of we, the People. It should be equally clear that they will bear false witness against us and our children, even unto inciting violence against us and them.

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Abortive Reasoning

Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists
Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists

Now, it’s true that we’ve only one  reported case so far of a feminist aborting their baby because it was a boy and that case is unconfirmed. Yet, the important part of that is “reported.” We’ve no real idea how many feminists have killed off their own unborn children because they were going to have a son and they believe all men are sexual predators.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be that surprised if this were far more common than we’ve been given evidence of.  Given the reasoning of Feminists, it even makes a sick sort of sense that they’d prefer to kill their unborn sons – future predators – in an effort to end the “Patriarchy.”

And it’s not as if sex-selection wasn’t a disturbingly common reason for abortion in the first place, at least outside the Civilized World.  It’s certainly not unreasonable or illogical to posit that Feminists, who do not value men, would act in similar, if converse, manner to those cultures who do not value women. There’s little behavioral difference, after all, between misogyny and misandry.

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Her Slip & Fall Self-Injury

Old Hillary, who just won’t fade into a well-deserved and proper obscurity, has found yet another group of people to blame for her failure to become the 45th POTUS. This time it’s married, White women, specifically the 57% of White women voters who didn’t for her.

We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women. And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.

— Hillary Clinton
India Today Conclave 2018

Nor was this the first time she blamed White women, especially married White women, for her election loss. It’s a theme with Hillary, who felt that, as the symbol of modern Feminism, she was owed their support and votes.

Hillary's Slip & Fall Self-Injury
Her Slip & Fall Self-Injury

And, Hillary being Hillary and being who and what she is, when the public’s response to her statement was outrage, rather than apologize she claimed she was right and lamented that so many women were to stupid, ignorant, or brainwashed to understand and appreciate her statement for the revealed truth that it was.

I also mentioned something in passing that’s gotten a lot of negative attention: that there is anecdotal evidence and some research to suggest that women are unfortunately more swayed by men than the other way around. As much as I hate the possibility, and hate saying it, it’s not that crazy when you think about our ongoing struggle to reach gender balance – even within the same household. I did not realize how hard it would hit many who heard it.


I understand how some of what I said upset people and can be misinterpreted. I meant no disrespect to any individual or group. And I want to look to the future as much as anybody.

Yep. Hillary is shocked and lamentful that so many people “misinterpreted” her statement and were offended by it…but she was right and it’s solely the fault of the offended for being offended, or so Hillary is convinced.

This non-apology apology, nonpology, or fauxpology is one of the classic behaviors of a narcissist – the inability to truly apologize or take responsibility for their failures and/or wrongdoings. It’s extremely condescending and, since it it subtly – or not so subtly – insinuates that the people taking offense were excessively thin-skinned, overly emotional, and/or irrational in taking offense at the remarks in the first place, it’s not that far off from being a gaslighting technique – again, a common tactic of the narcissistic.

More ironically, this is behavior that Hillary and her ilk amongst the Feminists constantly and stridently harp upon as something that men do to women and that women must fight against.

Yeah, as Hillary throws herself down the stairs of irrelevance, I’m guessing that right now there’s a bit more than 57% of White women voters who aren’t with her. 😉

She Supported Her Rapist HusbandMaybe Women Just Don’t Feel She’s Got A Leg To Stand Upon

But perhaps people’s offense isn’t related to the substance of Hillary’s accusation but due to the fact that she, Bill Clintons wife even to this day, had the unmitigated Chutzpah to make them in the first place. Because, to paraphrase Moochelle Obama, no woman of prominence in modern times has voted by her words, actions, and inactions against her own voice and the voice of women than Hillary Clinton.

Because, after all, aren’t we all suppose to proclaim #IBelieveHer when we hear about Juanita Broaddrick’s, Paula Jones’, and Kathleen Willey’s of being sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and then intimidated, threatened, and publicly shamed by Hillary? Are we, especially women, not suppose to same the same thing to and about the plethora of other women who’ve said #MeToo to being assaulted or coerced into a sexual relationship by Mr. Clinton? And let’s not forget Monica Lewinsky, who could no more say no than any of Weinstein’s victims.

But let us all just hold on to hope, in vain though it might be, that this self-injury will be lethal to Hillary. The sooner she’s cast down the stairs of irrelevance into the cesspit or landfill of history, the better for America.

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Hillary’s Stolen Destiny

One sadly common refrain among America’s domestic enemies is that Hillary Clinton’s destiny was stolen from her, first by Barack Obama and then by Donald Trump. Disturbingly, the Left believed that Hillary was destined to be POTUS. Hence, her repeated defeats were the theft of that ordained outcome.

Hillary's Stolen Destiny
Hillary’s Stolen Destiny?

But what actual destiny of Hillary’s was stolen from her? Perhaps the destiny that was “stolen” from her was her ordained appointment with Death at the hands of an assassin. Perhaps her destiny was to be the fifth US President to be assassinated while in office.

One does have to wonder if that wasn’t the destiny many of them hoped for Hillary. Given her baggage and nefarious history she would have served them better as a martyr than as a POTUS

After all, we Americans who voted against Hillary are a seething, frothing, violent,unwashed, uneducated horde of deplorable, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, sexist, misogynist, hoplophilic, patriarchal, Nazis – or so those who supported Hillary identify us as being. If that is the case, what other destiny than death could Hillary have had if elected?

And then there’s the #BernieBros and #BernieGirls, who would have had their own very definite and specific reasons to enact lethal reprisals upon Hillary if she had won the 2016 elections…

It could be that Mr. Trump did Hillary a favor by “stealing” her destiny. 😉 Probably not though. Obama survived eight years as POTUS and, despite the much-hyped hysteria that some racist would assassinate him, not a single credible threat ever got anywhere near him despite the ongoing poor service record by the Secret Service.

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Gendered Public Housing

Sadly, we’re forced to hear the womyn of the current, toxic wave of Feminists rant, rail, scream, and whine about sexism and “The Patriarchy.” While sane people understand that these strident complaints are both groundless and merely the desperate demand for attention by failed women, they may have a point within the narrow context of public housing. The rules governing which housing the state will provide for those unable to support their children is highly gendered.

Gendered Public HousingGendered Public Housing In America

You see, there is something akin to “The Patriarchy.” We as a society certainly do hold women to lower standard than men in some ways and in some contexts. 😉

Of course, we’re we to treat women who are unable or unwilling to support their children as we do the males – I won’t call them men – who behave in this way, the Feminists would strap on their pussy hats and go crazy in the streets. This is simply because Feminism isn’t about sexual equality; it’s about garnering more, and more, and more special privileges, protections, and monies for females.

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