We May Never Know…

We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants
We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants

Yes, this is from Babylon Bee, a purely sarcastic, dark humor site with normally little intersectionality with real-world facts in evidence. But, the best sarcasm is holding up a mirror to reality and the Bee was perhaps more truthful than planned this time.

If one bothers to listen to the various “reporters” from the Left’s Lamestream Media and far too many pundits and talking heads in the Clerisyand one ex-POTUS – we can’t know or understand what Hamas and the Palestinians they fully represent really want. We need to be told that it’s beyond us and a far too complex issue for our opinions and common sense – or what Hamas and their people outright proclaim – to be listened to or taken into account.

The truth is simple: The Palestinians et al want Hamas to exterminate or drive off, preferably the former, ever single Jew from the Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea and the Jews of Israel neither want to be murdered or be driven from their Homeland.

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About Pluto

We Don't Talk About Pluto
We Don’t Talk About Pluto

Yeah, we don’t talk about Pluto being a planet or why it was “reclassified” as a Dwarf Planet. It’s highly frowned upon amongst the “intelligentsia” to do so and even more derided among the Liberals and Progressives, who will call one some variant of “knuckle-dragging science-denier.” Nobody is supposed to talk about how in August of 2006 a mostly European conclave of accepted masters of the astronomy, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), needed to make a new definition for planet so that an American wouldn’t be credited with discovering Planet X.

And, for the many of you that don’t know, Pluto was just collateral damage. The IAU’s exuberance of Humpty-Dumptyism was aimed at permanently refuting the discovery by and American of a planetary body past Pluto.

Demoting Pluto May Have Been A Very Bad Idea
But Maybe We Should Talk About Pluto

Accepted by so many, secular science and scientism aside, the effects of this choice and insult may just be more far-reaching than the vast majority of people want to understand and internalize. I mean really? You can’t look back and see what’s happened – and at what pace! – to the world since 2006 vs. what was happening before then? 😉

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And The Consensus Is…

Climate Consensus - Warmists are bad at mathClimate Consensus – Warmists Are Bad At Math

Of course, to be heartlessly fair, this a breakdown of a large swath of the scientific community. If one limited the polling to only “Climatologists,” the consensus of belief-in-detail in Anthropogenic Climate Change with CO2 emissions as the sole or primary cause is over 95%. Hence, most of the queried scientists aren’t properly certified to have or espouse an opinion, not being “Climatologists.”

Yet, to once again be heartlessly fair, Climatology is nothing be a degree in Geology with a handful of extra credit hours attached to it is a degree that was created by the Warmists themselves a decade or so ago. As it teaches the revealed truth of Global Warming as a postulate and scientific truth, of course those degree holders are in orthodox consensus; they wouldn’t be able to be published otherwise and would perish. Hence, their magisterium is invalid and unfounded upon anything but fiat.

Eppure Si Raffredda

Yeah, the Warmists are quite bad at math…and Economics, Political Science, and History – and obviously have zero understanding of even the basics of Chaos Theory. They are, however, quite good at Theater Arts and fairly good at creative Theology and Divinity.

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Certifiably Liberal

One thing to remember – when working within a sociopolitical context, contagion is bidirectional. It almost, but not quite, mimics osmotic transfer. Hence, just as the modern, corrupted form of Liberalism infected the educational system, the worst attitudes and preconceptions of educational system infected Liberalism.

Ape Think While Nation Burns
Our Intelligentsia In Inaction

Therefore it is perfectly reasonable that the elitism and pseudo-technocratic prejudices and insecurities of the intelligentsia aka America’s cleristry would strongly color the Liberal response to dissent against their doctrine and dogma.

David Jetre sums this up quite well:

“So, tell me: are you a physicist? Do you have a degree in chemistry? Or a doctorate in infrared or ultraviolet light, spectroscopy, or associated sciences? Have you performed extensive studies into exothermic reactions, combustion, heat or light? Are you a state-licensed firefighter or other extensively trained rescuer? Have you written or published a single peer-reviewed paper on the flame (the visible part of the fire) or how the gases therein might become ionized to produce plasma? Do you even know plasma theory? No! Then how are you even remotely qualified in any way to say the house is on fire?” asked the Liberal.

“Because the house is on fire, dumb ass, and is burning to the ground,” said the Conservative.

And there you have it, an apt and near perfect parable of how the intersectionality between the Intelligentsia and the Liberals view dissent by Americans against their agendas. In their minds only the “properly” qualified and certified people are allowed to comment. The rest – we groundlings and churls – must remain silent if and when we disagree with what our “betters” tell us lest we be charged as “Deniers” and anti-intellectuals by these educated elites for defying the rightness and validity of their self-proclaimed magisterium.

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It’s Anti-Clerisialism

jonolanTo start with, there was before this date no such word as clerisialism or its antithesis. I, in my hubris and out of specific necessity, just coined it. It is meant to denote an “ism” predicated up the noun, “clerisy” – a distinct class of learned or literary people.

What can I say, I may be arrogant, but English – especially American English – is a living language.

Alright, now that I’ve given longer than truly needed shrift to the linguists out there, let me continue on to substance of the post…

Anti-Clerisialism Not Anti-Intellectualism

There’s a once-again growing trend towards hysteria, especially amongst Leftists, that the American people are growing more and more anti-intellectual in outlook and ideology. This is a cyclical plaint from the left-wing intelligentsia that returns whenever whatever idea they’re pushing at that time is rejected by the American people. It is also as wrong as it is recurring.

No, what America is experiencing is a rise in what I have dubbed anti-clerisialism. Large swaths of the People are rejecting the Liberal and Progressive clerisy and are denying that that these Leftists have any form of valid magisterium. We are rejecting the Left’s claim of authority to teach and indoctrinate, not rejecting education or intellectual pursuits.

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